A/N (important)

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*Just read the bold parts if you want to skip the rest*

Hi guys
WE HIT 9k READS??! Thank you so much for that! Thank you for not only the reads, but also the votes and the comments! I have to say that I really like it when you comment because it reminds me that you guys are real, because otherwise I only see numbers and it's hard to imagine that they're real people.
Idk if that made any sense lol

I have to study a hell lot bc my exams actually start this week so no updates this week and probably not the week after this one either.
However next chapter is ready, but I'm not happy with it at all. So I'll probably change it.

That, plus the fact that writer's block is being a little biotch right now. My creativity literally said bisous.

I've said it before, but I'm still trying to come up with a tangible (sub)plot because just romance is not going to do it. I feel like when you focus too much on it, it doesn't feel natural and I feel like that's kind of what's happening with this fic right now.
I heard y'all want to see some jealousy on Enid's side, so I'm working on it
I'm really open to any ideas any of you might have.

I really don't know where to go with the plot right now but I'll figure it out. Don't worry: I will not discontinue this fanfic. But it is going to be a very long one with no real ending if that makes any sense. I mean, it's already like 3 hours of reading time according to wattpad and has 30 chapters or so 🤷

I also still need to edit the older chapters but I just haven't had the time yet.

Coming up with the rest of the story is really hard for me because there is so little stuff from the prime source.
Like the show doesn't have that many characters and the ending wasn't that open either. And I feel like I got some of the characters wrong, but on the other hand, the only characters with some kind of personality were Wednesday, Enid, and Thing, so the others are really up to imagination.

I do have some old one shots I wrote that I can publish but idk if someone would be interested. I'll probably recycle them in later chapters, but if you want to see them earlier I could post them.

Anyway, that was it

Love y'all
Good luck with the exams!!

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