chapter 14: know that my train could take you home

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"Well, since the ride is around nine hours long," Wednesday started as she put her bag on the rack above the right seat, "my parents wanted us to be comfortable."
I was literally living my Harry Potter dream. Wednesday took my suitcase and put it on the rack as well, she then fastened our stuff to prevent it from falling on our heads during the ride. She only kept her purse and the paper bag in which the sandwiches we had bought earlier at the station were.
"This is so cool!" I said, sitting down on the seat on the left.
"Damn, this is good! Nevermore mattresses could never."
The seats were indeed very comfortable. Wednesday took her anthracite sweater off and sat down as well. She took her phone and its charger out of her purse and plugged it in. I did the same, but first, remembering that it had buzzed multiple times, I answered some messages.
"I don't know what kind of phone Xavier got me, but that thing's battery doesn't last long," she commented.
"Let me see."
She gave me her phone.
"There is not even a logo on it," I chuckled.
"As long as it doesn't explode in my hand, I guess it's fine," she said, shrugging her shoulders and taking her phone back.
The train started to move.
"So nine hours, huh?"
"Nine hours."
I took one of the sandwiches out of the paper bag. Wednesday's eyes were on me, I could feel it.
"You aren't really going to eat that, are you?" she asked in a disgusted tone.
The place we bought it from was in a... suspicious state, to say the least. But I was hungry, and it was late, even though you wouldn't think that when looking outside the window. You could easily believe it was four in the afternoon.
"It's almost 9 PM, we missed dinner. I'm hungry."
"Don't you want to eat something in the dining car and leave..." She gestured to my sandwich. "...whatever that is, to what it is."
I thought about it for some time.
"I think I just saw it move," Wednesday said, pointing at it again.
I laughed. "Do you want to eat something there?"
I put my sandwich back in the bag and got up. Wednesday had already opened our compartment's sliding door and led us outside.


"That was even more expensive than airport food!"
We were making our way back to the compartment through the hallway, trying not to be too loud because there were already people sleeping.
"It was worth it, though," Wednesday replied.
I stood in the middle of the hallways in front of her with the purpose of blocking her.
"Wednesday, no salad should ever cost 20 bucks."
She put her hands on my shoulders, and I thought she leaned in for a kiss, except she backed away at the last moment and moved me out of the way.
"That's like, so mean," I said, falsely offended.
She turned to me and brought her index finger to her mouth. "Shhh, don't wake them up." She gestured to the sliding doors we were passing by with her free hand.
Wednesday was walking ahead again, holding her to-go double espresso in the other hand. I caught up with her and grabbed her hand. She let me do it and we walked back to our compartment in a comfortable silence.

I sighed and sat down.
"I'm pretty sure these seats are shown when you look up the definition of luxury."
"Really, do they?"
"Ow, come on, this feels like sitting on a freaking cloud."
Wednesday hadn't sat down yet, but climbed onto one of the seats to take something out of her bag.
"Can you take my pillow as well, please?"
Seconds later, she came down with two blankets and my pillow.
"Thank you," I smiled.
I adjusted the pillow in the corner by the door and leaned against it, facing the window. We had been away for a long time, and at that moment, you couldn't discern a single thing outside. In fact, it was pitch black, and all we really were able to see, was our own reflection.
Before sitting down, Wednesday threw one of the blankets over me. I managed to get a grip on her ivory-white T-shirt before she walked away, and pulled her towards me. I then grabbed her by the collar and pulled her even closer for a kiss. She put her hand on mine and moved it.
"Do not stretch my shirt, please."
"Ow sorry," I managed to articulate in the kiss.
"It's okay," she said soothingly, while placing my hand on her neck.
After some time, she slowly backed away.
"I'm not getting tired of this," I said, smiling at her.
Her gaze softened for a moment, before she turned off the lights.
She took her phone out for some light and laid down on the other seat. She curled her sweatshirt up in a ball and rested her head on it. She started scrolling.
"Why so far away?"
Wednesday looked up from her screen.
"Don't be so dramatic. There's no way on earth the two of us can fit on that seat, you would have to sit in the other corner, and I do not want your feet up in my face."
She focused on her phone again. I got up with my blanket in hand and came to her side.
"What are you doing?!" she asked as I lied down flat on her and positioned the side of my head on her chest.
"I knew there was enough space."
Wednesday rolled her eyes.
"Could you at least adjust the blanket? My legs are cold."
I rolled my eyes, but still moved the blanket so that we were both covered from waist to toe.
She moved her arms so that they rested against my shoulder and that she could see the screen. Seconds later, her attention was back on her phone.
"What are you doing?" I asked, stretching out the last syllable.
"Reading the groupchat, I've got a lot of catching up to do."
She placed one of her hands on my cheek and continued scrolling with the other one.
"Honestly, whose idea was it to put all of us in the same chat?"
"I think Yoko did it."
At that point, even though I couldn't see it, I was pretty sure she rolled her eyes again.
Some minutes later, Wednesday removed her hand from my cheek in order to put her phone away.
She had a hand in the middle of my back, and the second one, she put in hair.
"Isn't that uncomfortable?"
She was fidgeting with the elastic that's was still in my hair. Finally, she removed it, and I assumed she slid it around her wrist. I felt her fingers combing through my hair.
She froze for a moment.
Her fingers started to move again.
"Tomorrow, with my parents and Pugsley and... - well, you get it - could we not...? Not that-"
I crawled up to her cheek and kissed it.
"Of course."
I buried my face in her neck.
"Sweet dreams, Wednesday."
"Don't expect me to say that back," she replied.
"We'll get there, eventually," I affirmed, kissing her under her ear. "Good night."
Some minutes passed and I felt her hand relax and finally stop moving.
"Wait! Should I put on an alarm?"
Her hand crisped for a second.
"Hold on, let me get my-"
I fell to the ground with a thud.
Wednesday didn't move a single muscle.
"Told you there wasn't enough space," she said in her monotone voice.
"Oh, shut up."

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