ii. Surprising Friendships.

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Two whole, slow, boring hours had sluggishly ticked away and 30k kilometers had been carried out since the beginning of the test. The tunnel dragged on and Satotz hadn't faltered in his speed at any second, leaving the candidates who could not remain running to bite the dust and spurring on those who had the determination to persevere and reach the Second Phase.

Not once in those two hours had the young girl felt remorseful about her usage of the flying device. She fumbled with the laurel wreath in one of her hands while the other handled the wood, painfully bored. [Name] had given up on measuring the sound of footsteps around her to entertain herself, she even tried to count how many applicants were left behind by the unmistakable thump that echoed whenever someone crashed to the ground.

[Name] yawns tiredly into her hand again and blinks away the tears forming in her waterline, overhearing a young plump boy at the very front with a laptop in his hands mutter something to himself. Observing is one of her many hobbies, she finds it very endearingly interesting to act as if her life is one big TV show and she's-

"Huh?! Hey, you! What do you think you're doing?!"

The sentence slices like a knife through the atmosphere, so sharp that it could cut you without contact, and it feels like it, too. [Name] falters for a split second, her expression becoming disconcerted at the furious holler of the person who is finding her method for traversing as something unjust.

She's quick to deduce that whoever is yelling is probably doing it for her, so she looks to her left where the voice is coming from, and sees a trio of people intently watching her like she's a little lamb surrounded by mean wolves.

A tall, glass-wearing businessman (from what she read in her novels, businessmen dress like that, and they often yell too) with a suitcase in hand (he's probably the one who yelled at her), a young androgynous person with beautiful blond hair, and a green-clad boy her age with pretty hazel eyes.


After humming, [Name] funnily stares at the three other candidates to her left. She raises an eyebrow, almost as if she's deeming them the weirdos for the black-haired male's uncalled-for outburst. As the suited teenager breathes heavily, a sheen layer of sweat covering his forehead, he shouts out again.

"Yeah! You! What do you think you're doing?!"

She lightly moves her body towards them, prompting the broomstick to do the same, and settles beside the young boy who she can estimate is more or less her age.

"Hello, is there a problem?" she asks in a vague and dreamy voice at the young man questioning her, completely unfazed.

"Show some respect for the Hunter Exam!" He yells back, gesturing to her broom.

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