xxi. To Kukuroo Mountain.

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In her sleep, the verdant trees encircling her seemed to rise as though sending gentle kisses toward the overcast heavens. A weighty obsidian cloud laden with moisture cast a shadow over the sky, reminiscent of a distant storm in its meandering journey.

The scene held a melancholy quality, a landscape tinged with somber hues. Yet, to those who inhabit the land, it appeared as a radiant covenant, observed by curious gazes. Meticulously formed by the toiling hands of a divine creator and its inhabitants, it brimmed with aspirations and optimism, interwoven with kinship and joy.

She wasn't a two-legged girl in her sleep but a three-legged ferret.

The animal moved with unmatched agility, gracefully sidestepping the impediments of decaying logs and rocks blanketed in moss. The breeze whispered in its ears, carrying a symphony of calls from the myriad creatures concealed within the foliage - a chorus of nature's denizens hidden among the bushes and nestled within the lofty branches.

The dense thicket parted, revealing a traditional Japponese house nestled in the heart of a sunlit clearing. Animals of various kinds assembled in the clearing's embrace, resting from mortals' prying eyes.

In this peaceful place, a soft hum floated through the air, like a secret breeze from the other side of the house. The alert and curious ferret carefully circled the house, following its sharp senses to find where the gentle sound was coming from.

Claiming that the sight did not leave her utterly speechless would have been far from the truth.

A woman lay sprawled upon the engawa's steps, her legs extending beyond the porch's edge while she reclined on her elbows. Her eyes were shut, enveloped in dreamy repose, her upturned visage basking in the embrace of the refreshing breeze and the warming sun.

A nice little finch was calmly resting on her exposed thigh, its tiny head jutting in the ferret's direction due to its sudden presence. The bird chirped lightly, unraveling its wings and flying off the woman's leg, choosing to rest by a tree branch instead.

She looked so vulnerable. An unbound, white kosode draped around her shoulders, its fabric cascading delicately; one of its sleeves hung idly to the side, revealing a glimpse of her bare shoulder. Meanwhile, her (H/C) hair flowed like a silken river, unrestrained and unconfined, descending in a graceful cascade to the expanse of her waist.

Bereft of a proper upper garment, the woman's attire consisted solely of chest bindings, allowing the gentle touch of the breeze to caress a substantial expanse of her midriff. The lower half of her outfit hardly qualified as "pants," for their hems ended a mere breath away from the midpoint of her thigh. This design choice left her legs exposed to any passerby who might chance upon her presence.

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