v. Death, Dream Eggs, & Doubt.

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The long, cylindrical air balloon proved to be more overawing in person than how [Name] had imagined it to be from the countless descriptions her books back home provided. It took her breath away, sending her into a hazed state in which she couldn't tell if she felt numb intimidation or subtle discouragement; either way, the emotion was there.

"That's the mark of the Hunter Association!" someone shouts.

Sure enough, the front part of the blimp was colored in a manner that reminded of a black shark with sharp teeth. Otherwise, the rest of the body of the airship was baby blue, with the logo of the prestigious association stamped in the middle for everyone to see.

"Is it a committee member?" somebody asks, questioning the voice they heard barely seconds ago.

Unexpectedly, a shooting star gloriously landed on earth, sending everyone into a frenzied state of surprise. [Name]'s legs shook from the impact, causing one of her hands to dart toward the cooking table so her knees wouldn't buckle. It felt as though someone knocked the air out of her, lungs working normally only once she reminded herself to inhale air.

Dainty, powdery-like soil ascended from the ground to encase the body in a shroud of dust bunnies, only allowing the applicants to catch sight of the outline of the hidden figure.

A helpless-looking old man emerged from the veil, a crater forming where his feet had been planted. He had a ponytail, a thick beard, stretched earlobes with two piercings in both ears, and was wearing a white and blue-colored traditional kimono for men and a pair of geta with a single tooth protruding from it, reminding her of a Buddha. Despite the amusing image in her mind, she kept a poker face, staring at him curiously.

[Name] could practically sense the nervousness and respect coming off of the examinees. This was the man who guided all the Hunters, likely stronger than even her parents, and even older than a venerable tree; a mystic sage, if you will. Her nape's hair stood on end, suddenly feeling uneasy being around such a powerful person.

Five years felt like a long time for [Name], but she wholeheartedly remembered the last time she ever saw Isaac Netero.

The old man walked forward before stopping a few feet away from Menchi. His eyes were so heavily lidded and weighed down with wrinkles that it was almost like looking at someone asleep, yet he was quite attentive. The woman stares ashamedly at the ground due to her superior being here because of her old habits resurfacing.

"Who is that old man?" One of the candidates asks.

"He's the Head of the Selection Committee, the person in charge of the Hunter Exam. Chairman Netero," Menchi answers them, coming face to face with him.

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