Chapter 4

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 For possibly the first time in his life Michael was worried. His human hadn't been around in two days. The first day he figured they were busy or sick, by the second day he was annoyed. Now it was the third day and he was hungry. He had eaten a sewer rat the night before, consuming animals raw wasn't new for him but he had grown accustomed to his human bringing him more edible foods. The shape sat in the near silence of his place, the only sound being the wind rushing by the opening and the drips of water falling from the ceiling.

He hadn't stalked (y/n) and therefore didn't know where they lived. Myers hadn't been able to leave due to both his injuries and the risk of being spotted. While he was very sure of his abilities in not being seen he knew that his human would be worried and he didn't want to incur the wrath that may be them withholding certain foods. The sun started to set on the third day of (y/n) being missing and Michael was pacing.

He was too deep into thought to hear or see you standing, staring at him from the entrance. You watched as the mountain of a man paced, the thought that maybe he was worried flashed through your mind. Quickly you shook that thought away, no way The Michael Myers was worried about a lowly human. It wasn't your gaze that made him aware of you, it was the smell of warm food in your bag that snapped him from his thoughts. You squeaked as he thumped over to you and picked you up by the arms, setting you down on a rusted folding chair that you had brought a while ago. He huffed crossing his arms with a glare that could kill.

(Y/n) smiled innocently up at him as if they hadn't been gone for three days and then turned up at dusk with a wrist and knee brace on. The killer gestured to the braces as if asking "What the hell happened."

"Okay Okay do you want the truth or do you want me to spice it up?" You asked. He glared in response. "Alright the non spiced version it is. I was walking to work and I may have kinda sorta fell down some steps and kinda sorta landed myself in the ER" you didn't need to have him speak for you to know that he was dumbfounded at your clumsiness. "I was on bedrest for two days but I'm okay and next time I won't leave you alone for that long without the proper provisions. I'm sorry."

He couldn't believe that you were apologizing to him, You, the one who was hurt was apologizing. The shape let his arms fall to his sides. You kept talking "I was so worried about you while I was gone. I wanted to be here but walking just hurt so much." He stopped you by putting a large hand on your head. At that moment you knew it was okay, he had been okay, and now he knew you were okay too.

After a few calming breaths you pulled out the food from your bag. Michael gladly took the large burrito from you and went to sit in a chair that faced away from (y/n)'s. To make him even more comfortable (y/n) turned their chair to face the opposite side of the room. Before they could even take a bite they noticed the mostly eaten corpse of a rat. (Y/n) audible gagged and then said "Ewwwww Michael please tell me you didn't eat a rat while I was gone." Your question was met by silence. "Please please please you did not. Oh no no whyyyyy oh thats gross it was a sewer rat! That's not sanitary." This time your words were met with a small piece of tin foil from the burrito wrap. A few moments of silence passed before you spoke again "You missed me" which was met with a harder tin foil ball to hit your head which only makes you laugh.

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