Chapter 17

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"On tonight's news we have the grisly murder of three tourists. Two men and one woman. The police currently suspect that there were multiple murderers, maybe even a copycat group considering one of the killings was identical to that of one committed at Camp crystal lake. Police are encouraging everyone to stick to populated areas and to not be out after dark. They do not believe this is the doing of the infamous Shape of Haddonfield." The newscaster said on the TV. It had been two days since Michael slaughtered those people. It had rained between then and now, washing away most if not all DNA evidence of your involvement.

"It sounds like you and I are off the hook." You said eating a bowl of ice cream on the couch as Michael sat at the table making a mask to add to his ever growing collection. The man nodded. "They really don't want to admit that Jason Voorhees is the Camp Crystal Lake Killer huh. Everyone knows the legend must be true after all this time." You said enjoying your last few days off of work. You had one day left after today and you were going to make the best of it by laying around the apartment and napping.

The rest of the night was peaceful and the two of you went to bed as normal. In the morning you were woken up by a strangled yell. In the blink of an eye you were out of your bed and in the livingroom to see Michael holding Mel up by his neck. "No! Michael put him down now!" You yelled and ran over pulling Michael away. Mel dropped holding his throat coughing. You kneeled down checking him over, hoping he wasn't too injured. Looking over your shoulder you glared at the killer. "Don't EVER hurt Mel. He and his wife saved me when my parents died." You said anger seeping through. Michael tilted his head, he hadn't seen you be so protective before.

The older man had calmed down and looked up at the massive masked man. He pointed and asked "So this is why you haven't had me over for dinner in a while?" His voice was gruffy as ever and kind. "Please don't tell anyone. He's my friend." You said, anxiety coursing through your veins at the realization of the situation. Mel shook his head with a small smile, "I'm not gonna. Makes a lot more sense now why you kept sayin' The Shape aint a monster." Michael still felt extremely uneasy, he had just become used to one person knowing of his existence and now would need to be used to two others. He pointed to his ring finger, head tilting again.

"Oh no she wouldn't know Michael. She uh, she passed away a while ago." You explained looking down. She had been a very sweet lady and always supported you as you grew up. After a few minutes of everyone calming down you had made Mel some coffee and the three of you sat at the dinner table. "So he been living here since that roommate of yours moved out and he aint hurt you?" Mel asked. You nodded. "Then who the hell gave you all those bruises." He asked concerned for his adopted child. "Oh these? Those tourists at the cafe that day went looking for Michael. I had gone to Michaels old hideout on my break between jobs when that one guy came in and attacked me. Michael saved my life, I would be dead if he hadn't shown up." You said smiling softly at your serial killer friend.

Mel chuckled noticing something that the two in front of him didn't. They looked at him quizzically. "Oh nothin'. Thank you, Michael, for savin' my kid. I owe you." He said looking at the masked man in front of him. The cold hearted killer just nodded to the older man. 

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