Chapter 23

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The knock on the front door made both his blood and your heart run cold. You weren't expecting anyone and were now worried that maybe by some act of whatever you believe in someone had figured out that the killer lived there. In what felt like the blink of an eye Michael had grabbed his knife and was ready for a fight. You sighed as you looked at him and motioned for him to calm down. Putting on your customer service smile you opened the door. Relief washed over your body and nerves as Mels aged smiling face greeted you. Just by the relaxing of your posture the cold blooded killer relaxed, he relaxed more when he heard the familiar sound of his humans parental figure.

"What is with the fake smile you give to tourists?" The older man said jokingly. Your smile was replaced by a genuine one and you opened the door more welcoming him in. "I thought you were the police or something. I wasn't expecting you today" You said closing and locking the door. Mel stood with his arms crossed looking at Michael. You giggled knowing this stance and facial expression of Mel very well. "OOoooo someone's in trouble." (Y/n) said as they went and sat on the couch. They weren't concerned about Michael hurting Mel since that would be the ultimate betrayal and there is no way the serial killer would do that. The look on Mels face was that of a disappointed father.

"You upset my kid." He said with a look that could kill. For the first time since he was a child, Michael felt like he was in trouble. "Not only did you upset them but you got hurt in the process. You better do something nice for them like either cook for them or something nice." He said. He knew damn well that there was something between you and the Shape and he wanted to make sure you were well taken care of. "Mel, I'm not sure that he should cook. I'd rather not have dog tartare" You said from the couch with a mischievous smile. An annoyed huff came from the legendary killer. "Yeah, you're right on that one kiddo." Mel agreed, further annoying the mountain of a man. "Don't think he could cook to save his life." You smiled at what was obvious joking from Mel. The agitation was now visible in his stance. The older man put his hand on the killers shoulder to try and ease his annoyance. In a momentary lapse of judgment with the mask blurring his mind he cut Mels arm.

It happened so quickly that all three of you barely had time to react. Mel grabbed his arm tightly just above the cut to try and slow the circulation. Michael stumbled backwards in shock of his own actions. You were filled with a rage that you couldn't contain. Jumping up from the couch you got in between the two men and glared at the masked killer. "HOW DARE YOU!" Your voice boomed dripping with venom. Mel was the only family you had left and you intended for him to live as long as a human body would let him. You shoved the killer backwards away from the man you called a father. "GET THE FUCK OUT NOW! I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Tears pricked at your eyes, you weren't thinking, just reacting. The killer huffed again, this time in anger and stormed out of the apartment.

You turned to Mel and started to fret over his wound. Mel had grabbed a cloth napkin from the table and wrapped his wound in it. You added pressure and by this time you were a crying mess. "I can't believe he would do this to you." You said between sniffles. Mel gently pat your head and sat down at the table. He knew you would need some time to cool off before he could get through to you. Mel understood that he had pushed the killer too far, Michael clearly wasn't used to being messed with. It was commonplace in his house when you were growing up. You had grabbed the first aid kit and were searching through it to find the stitch kit. Finally finding it you cleaned and placed the stitches on the cut.

Michael had stormed out and gone into the woods that were behind the apartment building. He didn't care that it was still daylight and wanted to kill anyone that dared come into his line of sight. He was hurt more than anything. The look in your eyes stung worse than any wound he'd had in his life. His head was spinning. He was angry and the whispers of the shape came flooding in. They told him that you didn't care and that he should kill you in a brutal way. The killer was wandering aimlessly deeper and deeper into the woods. The words you yelled at him burrowed into him like a knife. They echoed in his mind with those damned whispers. He hated that he hurt Mel. Mel had been nothing but kind to him, but then why say those harsh things about him? He thought. He didn't understand what had happened.

Hours had passed even though it seemed like minutes. Your words, your eyes, and those godforsaken whispers swirled in his head endlessly. He let out an angry and hurt grunt as he punched a tree with all his strength. A few leaves fluttered down from the force and the killer grabbed his head. He wanted the voices to stop, he needed them to stop. It hurt and he wasn't used to this kind of pain, it was emotional pain. He hated today. He hated his actions. He hated those damned voices in his head. The whispers of the shape became louder, they told him to let them take over. They told him that there would be no pain if he let them take over.

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