Chapter 31

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Danny had been carrying your body for about ten minutes before he spotted a police officer. Carefully he set you down before hyping himself up to put on a show. He had to act as if he was freaked out by your bleeding body. After a few quick deep breaths to make him seem like he was out of breath, he picked you back up and hurried over to the cop while yelling for help. "HELP! THEY"RE BLEEDING OUT!" He did his best to sound as scared and worn out as possible. The cops head whipped in the direction of the screaming, as his brown eyes fell on the sight of a man carrying a limp body, he raced over calling for medical help and back up. Once he made it to the pair, Danny set you down again.

"What happened to them, kid??" The cop asked hurriedly looking over your broken body. Danny pretended to catch his breath. "I...I don't know. I'm a freelance writer and I was out looking for info on the campground massacre. I um I came across them laying on the ground, There was so much blood. A...are they alive." He said in a faux panicked rush. The cop checked for a pulse and sure enough you were alive, just unconscious. "They're alive, did you bandage them up?" The uniformed man asked, to which Danny nodded. "Your quick thinking may have saved their life." He continued. Seconds later, EMT's showed up and started to assess your condition. Danny watched intently, making sure to not only drink in every little image of your bloodied body but to also keep up the shaken journalist front. They managed to get you onto a stretcher and carried you off, the journalist followed closely not wanting to let you out of his sight. He knew if anything bad happened to you under his watch he'd not only have to deal with one of the most terrifying people on earth but also Michael Myers.

Danny rode in the back of the ambulance as it sped to the hospital. Once there, doctors and nurses rushed the gurney into a room. At this point they told Danny he needed to wait in the waiting room. He protested this wanting to follow and keep an eye on you. For the first time since he'd carried you to the cabin he was concerned. Why did they rush you back like that, why wasn't he allowed back with you. Were your injuries worse than he thought? He sat in a corner chair where he could see both exits and all of the room. His leg shook as he wrung his hands in true worry. An hour had passed and all he could see was the blood covering his hands, your blood, his friends blood. It was dried by now but he swore he could feel the warmth as if it had just spilled from your dying body.

"Sir? Hello?" A young nurse asked, trying to get the man's attention. She could see that he was deep in thought, his golden eyes barely blinked as they stared at his blood covered hands. She squatted down so that her head was just below his, gently she placed a hand on his hands. This action made the man jump, eyes flickering to the woman. "Sir, your friend is stable. You're welcome to see them now. There is a cop outside of their room, they'd like to ask a few questions." Her voice was gentle and calm. Danny did his best to wash any worry away. He stood up and followed the nurse to room 242. Sure enough a man in a blue uniform sat in a chair just outside of the door, upon seeing the nurse and the dirty blonde man in tow. Without hesitation Danny walked past the cop and into the room. Laying on the white bed was your form. Your chest rose and fell evenly, and the beeping of the heart monitor was almost rhythmic. You looked so pale and frail. It was a stark difference from how you normally looked. As if a man possessed, he sat in the chair next to the bed and held your hand.

The cop standing in the doorway made him anxious, of course it did since he himself was a serial killer. "My name is Officer Knell. I need to ask you a few questions." The officer said taking a seat in a chair near the foot of the bed. Danny nodded, not wanting to take his eyes off of your form. "Why were you out there in the first place?" Knell asked. "I'm a freelance writer, I heard over radio that there was a massacre at the campgrounds off of route 6. I wanted to write about it so I went out looking for the crime scene." Danny said, he added fake sniffles to sell that he was "normal". The cop nodded writing in a notepad and then asked another question "How do you know Mx. (L/n)?" His thumb brushed over (y/n)'s knuckles before answering. "Writing doesn't always pay the bills, so I took on a part time job at Mr. Larsons shop. They work there too." "Okay and do you know why they may have been in the woods?" Knell asked. Danny shook his head; he honestly didn't know what possessed you to go after a rampaging killer. "I don't, I'm sorry."

At this point Danny wanted to be done with the questions so he increased the performance of being upset. Upon seeing this the nurse stepped in. "Officer Knell, I think that's enough questioning for now. Please let the patient and their friend rest now. They've been through a lot" She said walking towards the cop and gesturing for him to leave the room. He complied, giving an apology to Danny with a pat on the shoulder. Deep down the killer wanted to let out his emotions in his signature way, he wanted to add more pictures to his collection and feel blood that wasn't yours on his hands. "You're welcome to stay the night. Usually, we'd reserve that for family but when we called their adoptive father, he said to have you stay the night." The nurse said, her blonde hair pulled back into a messy bun. "I'm the night nurse for Mx. (l/n) and I'm Nurse Clery but you can call me Diana if you'd like." With that she let Danny be.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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