Chapter 13

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AN: A new chapter early and its long? Couldn't resist posting this one early. 

The morning started as normal as any morning could. You woke up and got dressed before making breakfast and some coffee for the man that had taken up residency in the second room. Yawning they placed it on a hallway table right outside his room before knocking. "Hey breakfast is on the table outside your door. I have to get to work." They called out before grabbing their keys and leaving the apartment.

Their first job this morning was at a small local cafe, most of the customers at this hour were locals who came by often with the odd tourist passing through. As you put on the apron that held your pad of paper you heard one of your favorite locals, Mel, say goodmorning to you while sitting at his normal booth. "Hey Mel, any new progress on that old truck of yours?" You asked. It had become an inside joke with the two of you that the older man would never actually finish fixing up the truck he had been working on for the past couple years. The man chuckled and then asked for his usually, black coffee and eggs. He didn't have to actually say anything because you had it already written down.

Turning to a couple faces you had never seen you decided they must be tourists here to investigate the notorious Shape of Haddonfield. The girl of the group was thin and had black hair, her eyes were a mocha brown. She was pretty, you had to say. The two men sitting across from her looked to be similar in age to the woman, one was blonde and the other a dirty blonde. You held back an eye roll as the girl opened her mouth. "Do you have any insider details about the Shape of Haddonfield?" Of course they were fangirls of the killers. These people really didn't give a shit that people had been killed and that a man had been horribly maimed by the so called mental health system. "No I don't. What would you all like to eat and drink this morning?" You responded, catching Mel's sympathetic gaze out of your peripheral vision. He knew you hated putting up with the fans, especially since he was one of the few people that knew about your rocky history with murder and mental health.

The blonde man rolled his eyes and muttered something rude under his breath. "Don't mind him. Uh I'll have the egg and pancake breakfast" The dirty blonde male smiled kindly before harshey nudging the man next to him. "I guess I'll take medium coffee with pancakes and bacon." You nodded writing it down and then gave your best customer service smile turned to the girl. "And for you miss?" You asked. "Tea with grilled cheese please." She said. Writing down the rest of the orders you nodded and walked to the kitchen. You nearly tripped over air when you noticed a glimpse of the navy blue boiler suit that your roommate wore. The fuck is he doing out, you thought. You gave the tickets to the kitchen staff and tried to ignore the fact that you were definitely being stalked.

"Those kids are going to get themselves hurt or worse trying to catch a look at that monster." Mel said as you set his food down. "I don't know if I'd call him a monster" You said softly under your breath. "Broken maybe but not a monster" The graying man smiled at your words, he was always happy to see the optimism you held for those that had been treated badly. When your parents died Mel had been one of the people to really help you out. For years after you were in and out of institutions for multiple reasons. The older man and his now late wife had taken you in since they lived next door at the time. Technically you still had the home under your name but refused to go back due to the painful memories. Mel smiled gently and patted your hand. "Never change hun" He said before you turned back to the kitchen to get your next table orders.

Setting down the drinks at the table of twenty somethings you overheard something you really didn't want to hear. "I bet that body found like a month ago was him." The girl halfway whispered. "I know he's still out there but like wouldn't that be stupid after the last time he came out from hiding?" The blonde replied. Keeping an ear on the table you brought them their food, you weren't usually the most attentive waiter but this morning you would. You needed to make sure they weren't catching on to anything too concrete. What they didn't notice was the dirty blonde eyeing you as you left the table.

It had been about an hour and Mel was about to head out for his morning walk to his wife's grave. "Say hi for me" You called after him as he left "Always do" He answered. They then turned to the few other booths that they had to take care of and offered more drinks to each of them. The dirty blonde stopped them and asked for a refill of water before you could turn to get the water pitcher he added "Oh and my name's Jake." His smirk made you roll your eyes. You quickly filled his water and walked away.

In the distance hidden behind some bushes a masked killer watched the way the man eyed you like a piece of meat. He didn't like it, a predator recognized another predator easily. He knew he had a gut instinct to follow you today. He continued to watch your uncomfortable movements under the gaze of the man. The whole group gave him bad vibes and that's coming from a stone cold killer.

Inside the diner the trio was finishing up their food and paid their bill. You said a friendly goodbye as any server worth their salt could give and took not that they had been talking about the area around the body that had been found. You almost smiled at the idea of those creeps finding exactly what they were looking for. 

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