Chapter 19

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Mel had talked a little more with you and then decided that since you were okay and very well protected he could leave with very little worry. He reached his hand out to Michael for a handshake, this greatly confused Michael, he had a lot to learn about the outside world. "It's okay you can shake his hand. It's like a way for Mel to tell you that he trusts you. He won't hurt you." You said calmly to Michael. He slowly and hesitantly shook the older mans hand.

With that you hugged Mel and walked him to his car. He smiled at you as he got in his car "You keep him just as safe as he keeps you. Okay kiddo?" Mel said, you nodded in return. As he drove away he had that same knowing smile on his face.

"Thank you for not killing him." (y/n) said smiling softly at the large man. He was still confused slightly by the whole interaction. He wasn't used to emotions, he had emotions, always has but they were often very muted or buried. It was a survival tactic, no emotions meant less likely to be hurt. "Hey you okay big guy? Want lunch?" You asked, trying to calm the serial killer. He nodded, answering both questions. You chose to make sandwiches for the two of you, adding extra meat to Michaels you plated it and cut it diagonally. Humming to yourself you didn't notice your friend staring at you as you made the food. He watched your every move as if studying you. Suddenly a spot on the wall was very interesting, he looked away as you turned around with the plate full of chips and the sandwich on it.

You thought the action was odd but dismissed it as nothing more than his odd behavior. After handing him the plate he walked to his room, closing the door behind him. (Y/n) decided to eat on the couch while checking the news. Ever since the accident in the woods you had found the news to be much more interesting. Their was now a need to know what was going on and what was being suspected. Luckily it seemed that most people thought The Shape was dead, you hoped this meant that he would be safe.

Your phone buzzed letting you know that someone had texted. Groaning they looked at the notification. Their head dropped when they read that it was their evening work asking for them to come in and cover a shift. You texted back that you would be in. "Stupid needing money" You muttered. Heading into the bathroom you realized that you still looked terrible. You shrugged this off hoping that your story was believable enough. Throwing on your uniform for the second job you knocked on Michaels door to let him know that you would be back around ten at night.

Somehow you managed to get to work on time, this job was at a local owned shop. It was a more woodsy shop. The owner was named Jason Larson. He was a tall man that didn't talk too much. The running joke among his employees was that Jason moonlights as the Crystal Camp Lake Killer. As you walked in, the large man noticed and walked over to you. His deep voice rang through the shop. "You look like crap" 

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