Chapter 10: "And it was just a coincidence."

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Double update because it's my birthday week!



Yeah, that's definitely not something two 'best friends' do.

"Those idiots!" Logan facepalmed, then turned to look at me. "Alright, don't look, we shouldn't be seeing our brother kiss someone."

I did put my head down and typed out my words.

Is this a new trend? Do best friends kiss each other on the lips now?

"Of course not!" He sighed, glancing their way. "Listen, I didn't really think that they would kiss today of all days, I just wanted us to run into Brandon 'accidentally'."

We were hiding behind Travis' car, which was parked just outside of the diner's entrance. We could see both of their side profiles this way, because Logan said that Brandon was a skilled detective and he would know if someone's watching them if we hide in any other place.

Logan wanted this person, Brandon, to know about my existence, because apparently 'Brandon is the only one who Travis listens to even if those fuckers don't talk much these days.' Logan's words, not mine.

And this diner was Brandon's favorite place so Logan drove us here from the library, parked his Jeep somewhat away after we saw Travis' car here.

We didn't really wanted to spy on them, but my brother said that I should atleast know how Brandon looks like in case anything goes wrong in the future and I had to go to the police station alone.

But the moment we hid behind Travis' car and looked at them in the diner, Brandon was comforting Travis while holding his hands. I didn't think much of that at first because Travis did look sad then and as his best friend, Brandon was mostly trying to cheer him up.

Then the unthinkable happened, Brandon stood from his seat and sat down beside Travis, said some things with a certain look in his eyes. Then cupped Travis' face and kissed him on his lips.

Yup, definitely wasn't expecting that.

"Let's go," Logan say, gesturing towards where we had parked the Jeep. "We still need food in our stomachs and we can't go in there now."

We made our way back to the car and Logan started driving it again.

"Just... don't tell anyone in the house about what you saw, okay?" He said, glancing at me. "Not even mention it to Travis himself, he will tell us about Brandon when he wants to."

We approached a red signal, and I quickly typed my response.

I know this is sensitive. I'll not tell anyone. But can I ask how long did you knew?

"I saw them once at our house when I came back from middle school." He answered, driving again. "Lucas was hanging out with his friends that day, while Justin had taken Oli to a regular checkup. Travis and Brandon were cuddled up on our living room sofa, talking lovey-dovey shit while not expecting anyone to be home for a few hours. I didn't wanted to make it awkward so I left the house and went to the library."

As we parked outside a food court, I realized that Logan and I are similar in that aspect. I would've also left the house if I found my big brother cuddling with his best friend.

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