Chapter 27: "You punched a girl."

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"Your brother rejected Zoe?"

I looked back at Maya, who had just arrived beside my locker. "Um, what?"

"She just arrived at school, Maya." Nat explained to our friend, closing her own locker with a slight bang. "I don't think she pays much attention to the happenings around here."

"First, she is standing right here." I pointed to myself. "But yeah, I honestly don't know what you are talking about."

"Let's walk or we will get late to class." Nat suggested, so we started walking towards our Homeroom. Maya was in Grade 7, but still has her homeroom in the same hallway, so she also started walking beside us.

"So apparently, Zoe approached Oliver yesterday after school. He was with a few people, including one of your other brothers. She asked him if he would like to get ice-cream with her sometime, but Oliver politely declined. He said that he knew what she was doing, and he wasn't interested. But Zoe still didn't budge, and tried again. This time, the students around Oliver responded and kind of insulted her."

"Seriously?" I asked, stopping right outside my homeroom's open door. "Oliver didn't mention anything yesterday. I kinda feel bad for Zoe though."

"Don't." Nat responded, glancing inside our classroom. "Now I understand why she looked more bitter than everyday. I did see people whispering among themselves when she got dropped off in her car, but I thought she must've posted another selfie on socials."

I did also noticed a few people pointing towards Oliver when we got out of Logan's Jeep, but I thought it was because him and his friend Aaron were wearing the same number jersey of a national team player. Not only that, they kind of greeted each other loudly in the parking lot.

"And seriously, don't feel bad for her." Maya added. "She is on a war path today. With who? I don't know. But on my way towards you, I heard her insulting some other girls of your grade. Then she proceeded to insult a girl in her own friend group."

"I don't even understand why they are friends with her." Nat replied, shaking her head. "Anyways, as long as she don't bother me or any of my friends."

Just then the bell rang, and we said bye to Maya before going inside our own homeroom.

Zoe did looked pissed off during the whole 20 minutes of homeroom. She kept glaring at everyone who passed by her desk, and her scowl increased tenfold by just looking at me.

Last time when I talked with her, it was during P.E. on the first day. She had approached me then, after hearing about how Oliver had came over to our table during lunch and how I was actually related to him. She had started sweet talking to me, but after Lucas kind of made fun of her that day she decided to leave me alone.

I'm not someone who engages with people like her myself, so it has been a few quiet days.

That was my plan for today as well, to have a quiet nice Friday and then chill the whole weekend with my family. Travis had informed us that there was a party happening at the hotel in celebration of them winning an award, and some relatives are also coming. It had made me anxious, thinking about more people to meet.

I got to know about Mum's sister Miranda after coming here, and after learning her history, I don't think I'll ever meet her wholeheartedly. So my experience with relatives was pretty much zero.

Anyways, my plan to have a quiet Friday immediately took a 180 turn during the first 5 minutes of lunch break.

"After lunch, I have Social Studies and English, then we all have P.E. together last." Gavin said, as him, Jayden, Nat and I walked towards the cafeteria. "And then, it's finally weekend."

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