Chapter 23: "Let me take a photo now, it's a milestone day."

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My eyes widened as I halted at the top of the stairs while Buster ran down from beside me. It was just past 7'o clock and I was on time, but hearing Justin's screaming made me wonder how the others don't even feel slightly scared.

Truth be told, I have been awake for almost a hour now. The nervousness of first day in a new school had me twisting and turning in Lucas' bed for the whole night. He had been fast asleep when I left his room after the clock struck 6'o clock.

I had already decided my outfit for today, so after having a quick shower, I got ready. The straight-leg jeans I wore were a medium wash, and for top I had settled on a loose white T-shirt. It had a fun and colorful print, and I had tucked it in the front. Last but not the least, I chose a new pair of white sneakers for today. I had packed my bag yesterday itself, not wanting to forget something.

With my shoes and backpack in hand, I walked down the stairs and dumped them in the foyer before making my way towards the kitchen.

Justin was standing near the stove, flipping a couple of burritos on a pan. Some were already served on the kitchen island, where Travis sat with his coffee.

Wait... Travis?

"Travie!" I exclaimed, darting forward as he quickly turned towards the kitchen entrance. I jumped up to wrap my arms around his neck while he got surprised by the sudden attack. After a moment, he realized that it was me and returned my hug.

"Hey Love," He laughed, as we pulled away. "I've never seen anyone this excited to see me back in the house before."

"If you wanted a hug so bad, you should've just mentioned it to me." Justin said, grinning at us. "Next time when you come back from any trip, I'll remember to jump at you."

Travis made a face at that comment while I giggled at the imagination of Justin jumping at our oldest brother.

"But what are you doing here?" I asked him, taking a seat beside him. "I mean, I'm very happy to see you but you said that you would be returning tonight."

"How can I stay away when my little sister wanted me here for her first day of school? As soon as the award show ended, I booked the first flight back."

"And didn't even thought of sending me a text." Justin added, serving me two burritos on a plate. "You nearly gave me a heart-attack when I saw you standing in the foyer."

"J, have you seen my school bag?" Oliver entered the kitchen, wearing just black jeans and nothing else. In one hand, he held a pair of socks, and in the other, his blue sneakers.

"The one I was telling you to wash because it smelt like something died in there?" Justin asked him, not even looking away from the stove. "The same one that you put outside on the doghouse so it can get washed in the rain?"

Oliver groaned. "What am I gonna do? I don't have an extra."

"My question is why are you packing now when you should be sitting here instead eating breakfast." Justin turned to give Oli a look, but then saw him shirtless. "And you aren't even ready?"

"Just need to throw on a T-shirt, slip on my socks and shoes, beg the twins for a spare backpack, and I'll be ready to roll. Relax."

Justin narrowed his eyes at his youngest brother as Travis and I watched from the sidelines, i.e. the kitchen island.

"Your washed backpack is kept in the laundry room." He sighed, shaking his head. Oliver beamed hearing that and was about to say something when Justin spoke again. "Don't get too happy. As a payback, you are washing my car this Saturday."

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