Chapter 22: "Bro, remember? No sound."

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If someone came to me and said that this was the most stupidest thing I've ever done, I would hundred percent agree with them. My own conscience was telling me to turn back around and go home. But here I was, outside the one place Logan told me not to go.

The Midnight Rumble.

I think this must be another thing Logan and I have in common - just going against your brother's wishes.

Last time when I was out and about this late, I had the company of Buster which provided the scary dog privilege for me. Even if Buster was very sweet when he is familiar with you, he can be quite scary to look at.

Tonight, I had managed to sneak out of the house without alerting Buster. He was hanging out in Logan's room, who had retired early to read a thrilling mystery book. I stayed up with the others and we watched some of the early episodes of Modern Family. After that I informed them I was going to have a shower before sleeping so they left me being. It was nearly midnight when I tiptoed to the living room sliding and left the safety of the house.

To be honest, it was scary to walk out of the compound all alone after knowing that some people were after me. They have already killed Mum, and at first I did think that if I wasn't careful then maybe I would be next.

But after dwelling on everything that has happened until now, I realized that apart from stabbing me in my shoulder, which wasn't a fatal wound, they have never tried to actually murder me. So that means only one thing.

They need me alive.

Because, according to them, I must be the only one who would know where Mum has hidden the evidences against their boss. They think as I was her daughter, she must've told me. I had a good laugh at how wrong they were about that.

This fact somewhat gave me the confidence to walk here after midnight.

And also because I didn't look one-bit like the person they wanted to kidnap.

When Oli had shown me the box of Justin's theatre things in the attic, I had the crazy idea that it would be useful for later. Like how the detectives in books go undercover, in disguise to spy on a suspect. So that's why I had went back to the attic earlier today to grab some useful disguises.

Justin must've spent a lot of money on getting them, because even after all these years the wigs were fitting perfectly and looked very real. The long black wig I had chosen was the same one I tried in front of Oli that day, and now I had paired it up with a round frame of fake glasses. Wearing a black denim jacket over my white AC/DC t-shirt with blue jeans completed my look and this whole getup made me look a couple of years old.

The street was, once again, filled with people I should not go interacting with. They looked rude and dangerous, tattoos donning their arms, necks and even faces. The familiar knot tattoo from my nightmares was plainly visible on most of the people tonight, confirming that it must be a get-together of my kidnapper's gang.

I looked around the street, trying to spot Ivan or the bald man, but none were there. The air smelled of the weird things people were smoking, and most of them were busy chatting among themselves. The one's who were alone did glance at me, but didn't stop. They continued going in the direction of the open basement door.

Taking a deep breath, then regretting it the very next second, I stepped forward in the direction to my moonlit quest.

No one stopped me this time, asked me who I was or what I was doing here. I walked down the dark stairs for the second time since coming to live here in Smithfield, but my heart was beating in fright more than the first.

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