Chapter 5: "Who are you?"

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Important Note at the end! Read it please!


December 2008

Lillian Miller was tired after the gruesome day in court.

When she woke up that morning, she already knew what the verdict would be. All the proofs lined up against her sister; there was no chance the older Miller would be released as an innocent.

But she still found herself hoping that all of it was a lie and that maybe her sister was being wrongly accused. It was just wishful thinking from her side, as she was the only relative alive for Lillian.

The judge had given Miranda Miller life imprisonment, as the accused just laughed rather loudly in front of everyone. She didn't care that her shameless photo would be on the front page of every newspaper the next day, or maybe that's what she wanted to happen.

Miranda Miller wanted the world to know her.

Lillian sighed, taking another sip from her drink. She had told the bartender to surprise her, so he served her something mixed with vodka.

She just wanted to forget today.

But the stars were against her, as a very pretty dark-haired woman took a seat beside her.

Lillian eyed her from the side, noticing how the woman had skipped all the other empty stools to sit beside her. She was wearing a blue suit with pants and minimal makeup, and she held a confidence that could shut up the whole room.

The Miller sister suddenly felt self-conscious about herself with such a confident lady sitting beside her, so she decided to call it a night. Gulping down her drink in one go, her throat burning, she handed the bartender some cash and hopped out of her stool.

Slowly, she made her way outside in the cold and tried to find a taxi that could take her home.

Lillian wasn't as drunk as she wanted to be, so she could still walk towards the main road, where she could take a taxi.

The bar she had chosen to forget her troubles was situated on one end of New York City, while her penthouse flat was on the other end. It was because she knew that there would be media vans lurking around the building in hopes of getting a glimpse of the innocent Miller.

According to the news channels, people were divided over her innocence. Some say she would've known about her sister's wrongdoings; others say she is innocent as she didn't even lived with her sister. At the time when Miranda Miller was busy smuggling humans in and out, the younger Miller was studying for a Masters in Arts at the University of Chicago, Illinois.

Lillian was thankful for people who believed her. If she had known about Miranda's illegal transactions, she would've notified the police sooner. But no one apart from her and the two detectives knew she was the one who had given them the address of her sister's warehouse.

Looking at the couple of stars in the sky, she sighed, remembering her late grandmother. The words still echoed in Lillian's ears that her grandma used to say while they watched the twinkling stars on late summer nights when she was young.

When in doubt, look at the stars, and you will get the answer.

So she asked those stars, what was she supposed to do now? She was all alone in this world.

As Lillian walked on the footpath, she suddenly had the feeling of being watched. She quickly turned to look behind her, but everything was silent. It was past 10 p.m., and the area she had come to was dead quiet, which was against her liking.

She decided to hurry up, so she turned back to look ahead and gasped.

It was her, the woman from the bar.

She was standing mere ten feet away from Lillian, and the Miller couldn't understand how the lady managed to do that without making any noise.

Some stealth she had.

"Who are you?" Lillian asked, trying to keep her voice steady. She didn't want the woman to know she was scared.

The woman smirked at her and took a couple of steps towards Lillian. In response, Lillian took a couple of steps back too.

"Don't be scared of me, Lillian." The woman said, her smirk turning into a small, normal smile. "I'm here to just speak with you."

"Which newspaper are you from?" The younger Miller asked, realizing that maybe she was a journalist as she already knew her name. "I'm not talking with you."

"I understand." She nodded, then put forth her right hand for Lillian to shake. "I'm Peyton Reed, from the FBI, and we need your help."


Triple update because I see people reading and voting. :)

Anyway, as you can see, this chapter was a flashback and shorter in size. The flashback chapters, or the chapters not following the main characters i.e. Anna and her brothers will always be short to the present ones to keep them brief. 

So, what do you think of this one? 

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