Chapter 29: "So, how's the party?"

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Even if I had just woken up from a nightmare last night, I still remembered what was happening today. It was the day of the hotel party, and I knew Travis would be busy the whole day and not get time to sit and talk with me.

My guess turned out right, because it was now nearly 7PM of 'tomorrow' and I have not even seen Travis today. Brandon and he took off before I even woke up in the morning, so there has been no chance for us to chat.

To be specific, apart from Justin, I have not seen much of my other brothers as well. Oliver left after breakfast saying it was his friends' birthday and their family is hosting lunch, while Lucas left to practice for his first match that would be happening in 2 weeks. Logan had woken up just before lunch, and after eating with us he had returned to his room for his quiet time.

I had also stayed in my room for most of the day, completing my homework and starting on the essay I had to submit to Principal Coleman. The time I was in the Principal's office, I really thought he would be giving me at-least a week's detention, but he let me off with an easy essay.

But Travis did ground me, and I think this hotel party would be the only outing I get for the upcoming week.

I was wearing a pretty dark blue dress which was flared at the back and is going till the floor. Meanwhile the front is just till the knees and a brown belt was secured around my waist as a simple accessory. Most of my dresses were chosen by Justin, and I can say that he had a good fashion sense.

And as I look around the hall now, I realised I would always be thankful to Justin for choosing this dress as it was suitable for my first hotel party.

The hotel ballroom was decorated with gold and burgundy colours, setting an extravagant ambiance for the night's celebration. Travis had won some prestigious award when he had gone to LA, and apparently it called for a celebration. Tables, decorated with flickering candles and delicate floral arrangements, were spread across the room, welcoming guests to come together and socialize. I didn't even knew these people, but some of them had given me a smile when they passed by me and I had to return their gesture.

Towards one end of the ballroom, a gleaming bar awaited, prepared to offer an assortment of beverages, as attentive waiters moved about with trays of delicious appetizers. Oliver had shamelessly took a whole tray of some rolls for himself from a waiter, and then started eating them without a care in the world. He offered me the tray too, and I shook my head at his doings before grabbing a couple for myself.

All of the Greeley boys were dressed up as well, in their posh-looking suits and shirts. Travis had pulled Justin somewhere as soon as we arrived, and Lucas saw someone he knew so he went to mingle as well. Logan decided to sit by us, and was busy glaring at everyone who looked our way.

Stacey was also here somewhere. We had glanced at each other for exactly 2 seconds before going in opposite directions. But seeing her I realised something. Maybe it was her who had left that dead lily flower in my room yesterday. That was a possibility, seeing she and Justin are secretly dating or something and he must've invited her over yesterday after we all went outside. It would've been easy for her, and it made me embarrassed to think I had panicked and called Brandon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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