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"Thank you, Heidi," I said, hand intertwined with Angelo's. "Thank you for everything."

She smiled, patting my shoulder. "Good luck in New York, Alessia," she said, and Angelo led the way out of the room, slinging my backpack over his shoulder.

My brother strode forward, nodding to Tobin. Tobin smiled at me but looked at Angelo with a hard, cold stare. "Thank you, Tobin."

Tobin smiled at me. "Take care, kid."

Outside the police station, Angelo led me to a BMW 3M. I felt my heart sputter with anticipation. "Go on, get in the passenger seat. Seat belt on."

"Nice car," I said, sliding into the passenger seat. My brother tucked my backpack into the backseat before getting behind the wheel. He jammed the key onto the ignition and revved the engine, looking across at me.

"Do you have your license?" He asked, and I shook my head. "Why not? You're sixteen."

"My mom thinks ... thought I was too young."

"When we get to New York, and you settle in, we can get you your permit. I mean, that's if you want to," Angelo said. I nodded, liking the idea. I wanted to have my own car, specifically a 1987 Chevelle - my dream car. "As long as you promise not to get any speeding tickets."


We got on the plane, and the pilot welcomed us.

Angelo greeted him with a handshake before glancing over his shoulder at me. "Take a seat anywhere. Have you been on a plane before?"

"Yes. We travelled a lot, actually." I slid into a leather seat at the back of the plane, dropping my backpack between my feet. Angelo slipped off his leather jacket, revealing many intricate tattoos on his arms. He took the seat across from me, chucking his jacket onto the seat next to him. "Why do you have your own plane?"

He raised an eyebrow, smirking. "I like to travel in style. What can I say?" I gave him a pointed look, letting him know I wanted a serious answer. "I own a business and have to travel for work sometimes. I also hate commercial flying. People are awful."

I chuckled. "Fair enough."

We lapsed into silence as the plane took off, and I stared out the window, mentally saying goodbye to my home. Angelo leaned forward and held out his hand. "Let me see your phone, please," he said, nodding to my phone in my lap. I handed it to him, curious as to what he wanted it for. He typed quickly on the keyboard for a minute before handing it back. "I added my number as well as Mattia and Luca's."

"Oh, thank you."

"They are really looking forward to meeting you, Alessia," he murmured, "you have no idea. We've been searching for you for a long time."

"What are they like?" I asked, swallowing nervously. I was eager and anxious at the same time. "Mattia and Luca?"

Angelo smiled. "Mattia is an overprotective ass, but he won't let you see it. Don't be startled by him. He means well, but, well, you'll see what I mean ... as far as Luca goes, he's an interesting human being. I'm betting he'll be your favourite ... I mean, after me, of course."


A car waited for us when we got off the plane in New York. Angelo slung my backpack over his shoulder, leading the way to the driver. "Abel, good timing," he called, nodding to the man. "Alessia, this is our driver and head of security."

"Head of security?" I mimicked as Abel took my bag from Angelo, popping it into the passenger seat and holding the backseat door open for my brother. Angelo glanced back at me as he paused, and I almost ran into his back.

"Yes, Abel is head of security for our family. You can trust him with your life." Angelo gestured for me to enter the car before him. I scrambled in, sliding across the seats as Angelo followed me. When the door shut, my brother eyed me, clicking his tongue. "Now, what would you like for dinner? We'll stop for whatever your heart desires."

I chose Chinese for dinner, and Angelo claimed he knew the best restaurant in the city. After stopping to pick it up, we were on our way home, as Angelo put it.

My brothers lived in luxury. That was clear as we arrived at a gated community in Manhattan, ABEL pulling up to a locked gate that required him to enter a code. He typed it in quickly and drove up the driveway, tires crunching against the gravel, a house appearing as we approached. Not a house, but a freakin' mansion.

The house was two storeys, white, with dozens of windows. Abel pulled up near the front door, a large archway with a wrap-around porch with columns lining the house. It was beautiful and grand, something I never expected. Angelo didn't wait for Abel, opening the door before the car barely stopped. "Angelo, I told you to quit doing that - wait for the damn car to stop," Abel snapped, but his words fell on deaf ears as my brother held out his hand, urging me to follow him.

I had a feeling Angelo did what he wanted when he wanted. I suppressed a chuckle and reached for my brother's hand, letting him pull me out of the car. "Our brothers are inside, waiting to meet you ... you have nothing to worry about with them, okay? I promise."

His words didn't really help - my heart was beating in my chest as if it would burst at any moment. Angelo and I walked to the front door, my older brother reaching for the handle just as it was thrown open, and a wide-eyed man stood in front of me. He grinned when he noticed me, eyes softening.

"Alessia - I'm Luca, your soon-to-be favourite brother."


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- Charlie 🧡

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