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I didn't like Mr. Aeros, the World History teacher.

He made me stand and recite a passage from the textbook in front of the whole class because I was five minutes late. "Thank you, Miss La Rosa, you may take your seat now. Don't be late for my class again."

I nodded, face flushed, burning. World History was my only class without any of my friends. I took a seat in the back of the class, next to the window. "Now, each one of you will need to write a final paper before the semester ends. It must be on one 1500 words, double spaced, and highly sourced. You must pick a single event that has a lasting effect on society today. June 9th is the due date, no extensions."

Some of the class grumbled but I smiled.

I loved writing.

Mr. Aeros began to hand out sheets of paper, ordering the students in the front to pass back to the ones in back. "I am handing out a further guide to writing as well as the rubric ... also, you will give a 10 minute presentation to your classmates. There's a rubric for that too ..."

A presentation? Fuck.

I hated public speaking. How will I get through this? My anxiety blew through the roof, my heartbeat quickening. When the bell rang for lunch, I scrambled out of my seat and packed my books and pen, hightailing it out of the classroom. I breathed a sigh of relief, leaning against the wall, trying to calm down.

"Hey, you okay, Alessia?" Damien asked, coming to a stop in front of me.

I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Come on, let's go meet the others for lunch."

Damien and I walked through the halls and I appreciated his presence because I still didn't know my way around. We entered the circular cafeteria and I searched the tables for our friends. Friends. The word was still unfamiliar but welcomed.

"Alessia, over here!" I looked in the direction of the person calling my name and spotted Tabitha, who was waving her hands frantically. I chuckled and glanced over at Damien.

"My brother made me lunch, so I'm going to sit down. See you in a minute." Damien nodded and I left him at the line, striding to where the table when someone stepped in front of me.

"Hey there, sweetness." Someone suddenly stepped in front of me, a towering bog with dark hair. "Want to come sit with me and my friends for lunch?"

"She's with me, Jonah." Damien. How's he get over here so quick? "Don't ever talk to her again."

Jonah's eyes widened and he nodded. "Yeah, won't happen again." He backed off, leaving me with Damien.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing. What did he say to you?"

"He asked if I wanted to sit with him and his friends?"

"Look, I won't tell you who to be and not to be friends with, but be careful of him," Damien said, his eyes hard. "He's not a good person."



Lunch ended quicker than I would have liked. Tabitha and the others made an effort to include me in their conversation, which I appreciated. I liked having friends.

"Where's your next class?" Noah asked, walking beside me as we filed out of the cafeteria.


"Why Italian?"

"She's Italian, Noah," Zoe said, rolling her eyes. "We have the same class, Alessia. I'll show you the way." Zoe and I left the group, heading to the language arts building.

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