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Mattia and I were cleaning up dishes from dinner, my head throbbing from this morning. "Go rest, Alessia," he said, gently nudging me towards the door. I stuck my tongue out like the five year that I am and walked into the living room, where Angelo, Valentina, Luca, and Julian were sitting, each sporting a glass of whiskey - except Luca.

"Did you receive the new shipment?" Valentina asked, leaning back into the leather cushion. They hadn't noticed me walk in. Shipment? What shipment were they talking about?

"No. I expect it tomorrow morning."

"Sven better deliver on time," Julian muttered, knocking back his whiskey. "That bastard is always late."

"I don't understand why you do deals with him anymore. He's a liability," Luca drawled, and then glanced up and caught sight of me. He smirked, shaking his head. "How long have you been standing there?"

I shrugged and Angelo whipped his head around. "What shipments are you talking about?" I asked, curious.

Angelo finished his drink and stood, walking over to me. "Nothing you need to worry about, Alessia," he murmured. "How are you feeling?"

"I am okay, I swear. My head hurts a little but that's to be expected," I said and he nodded. "I'm going to bed. I have to get up for class in the morning."

"Good night, bambina, I love you so much." I hugged Angelo and I think it surprised him. I hadn't initiated a  hug with any of my brothers, but it felt good to do so.

When I pulled back, I smiled. "I love you too, Angie."

He scowled, flicking my nose. "Stop calling me that, you brat." I chuckled and shrugged before glancing at the others. They had amused looks and I grinned.

"Goodnight everyone," I said, waving.

"Ahh, our little princess is so cute," Valentina cooed and I rolled my eyes.

"Goodnight, Lessie. Sleep well," Luca called as I walked up the stairs. I went into my bedroom and closed the door, finally alone.

I pulled off my shirt and threw it to the ground, entering my walk in closet. I searched for a black hoodie and grabbed pair of grey pj pants. I felt cold and gross, knowing I needed to take a shower but didn't have the energy to do it.

After changing, I flicked off the main light and sauntered over to my bed, turning on the lamp on my bedside table. Mattia warned if I used screens or read, it might hinder my recovery. He hadn't been pleased about the entire situation, especially with my decision to stay at school today.

I fished for the leather journal Mattia had gifted me in the bedside drawer. I jotted the date at the top left of the page, and began writing:

March 8th 20xx

My very first day at Bloomfield Academy began with a sense of anticipation and anxiety. The prospect of new friends, experiences, and opportunities was almost overwhelming. Little did I know that my journey to the school office to get my schedule would take a completely unexpected turn.

As I made my way through the bustling corridors, the chatter of students echoing in my ears, a sudden, shocking impact sent my world into a whirlwind. A basketball struck me square in the head, making me lose my balance and hit my head on the wall. It knocked me out. When I woke, the pain was immediate and intense.

Hovering over me, with guilt and panic in their eyes were Noah and Damien, the two boys that were throwing the basketball back and forth. I met their friends, Tabitha, Aryan, Zoe, and Theo too. They are nice and kind, maybe we'll be good friends. I want friends.

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