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I clasped my hands together in my lap so no one would see them trembling. Angelo seemed livid - not at me, he assured, but at the man Officer Tobin claimed to kill my mother and Michael.

Hector Alvarez.

"I have never seen or heard of him," I said, shaking my head when Tobin showed me a photograph of the man that apparently set my house ablaze with my mom in it.

Angelo studied me close. I felt his gaze burn into my face. "Are you sure? You have never seen him before?" He asked again and I shook my head.

"I have no idea who this man is, and I have never seen him before," I stated, wringing my hands. I was becoming annoyed with the questioning. My brother seemed to notice my agitated state because he squeezed my hand.

"This is overwhelming my sister," Angelo stated, nudging me to stand up with him. "We're going to take a walk, we'll be back in a few minutes."

Angelo and I left Heidi and Officer Tobin, leaving the cafe, stepping out onto the sidewalk. I felt the pain in my chest ease a little. I glanced up at my brother who was studying me.

"Are you ... no, of course you're not okay," he muttered, and I sucked on my cheek, because he was right, I am not okay. I was not okay and it hurt deeply in my bones. "Hey, you say the word and we're out of here, okay?"

I nodded. "I'm ready to go."

"I am ready too. These people are annoying."

I smiled at how blunt he was, glancing behind us to see Heidi and Officer Tobin striding towards us, their heads low in a deep conversation. When they stepped outside, Officer Tobin looked at Angelo.

"Angelo, can I speak to you a moment, in private?" Angelo nodded, glancing down at me.

"I'll be just a minute."

Angelo and Tobin stepped aside, leaving me alone with Heidi. She gave me a small smile. "Alessia, how are you holding up? I know it's been a tough few days for you."

I shrugged. "I'm adjusting, I guess. I ... I miss her, I miss my mom a lot." You don't know what you have until it's gone.

"That's understandable. I am sorry again for your loss and I wanted to apologize for showing up to your mothers funeral like I did, I've been worried about you and this entire situation."

I swallowed, kinda weary. "I'm sure that whoever is responsible for my mothers and Michael's death ... I'm sure that they won't come after me. I mean, I had nothing to do with the illegal stuff they did."

"I know but we have to be cautious. Anything could happen, who knows the kind of people your parents were involved with," she said slowly. "How are you liking your brothers?"

I smiled actually. "They've been good, Angelo has been really great."

"I've been meaning to ask, does he work a lot?"

What kind of question is that?

"No, not really. At least not since I've been around," I said, shrugging. I don't think I should tell her about the garden incident. She wouldn't find it funny, not like I did, even though it traumatized me a bit.

"Does he have clients come to the house?"

"What?" Why is she asking these questions?

"Sorry, I know that sounds blunt, I'm just wondering if he does work from home?"

"Uh, yeah. Sometimes, I guess. I don't really know." I said it with a dull tone, hoping it would get across the point that I didn't appreciate the questions. I wondered if this was her way of prying into Angelo's life, to see if he's a suitable guardian or whatever.

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