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I frowned and reread the last sentence, unable to focus. No matter how many times I read, I couldn't grasp the words of Suzanne Young, before finally slapping the book shut and putting it on my nightstand.

"Alessia?" Angelo called behind my bedroom door.

"Come in."

He opened the door and I took in the sight of him. He wore a black dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his intricate tattoos, and black dress pants. His hair looked disheveled and I noticed the dark circles around his eyes.

"Rough day?"

"Something like that," he said, but smiled, gesturing to the end of the bed. "Mind if I sit?"

"Go ahead."

Angelo plopped himself down, studying me. "I heard about what happened at the cafe. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, not really. Mattia and Abel were there. They took care of him."

"That's the thing ... someday, they might not be there. I want you to begin self-defence classes," he spoke softly but there was also a shortness that made me realize there'd be no room for argument.

"Okay. When do I start?"

He smiled. "Tomorrow after your appointment with Finch. Christian will train you. And I heard that you're going to swim again, that's great, Lessie."

"Yeah ..."

"Do you not want to? ... if so, you do not have to, Alessia. Did the headmaster and coach pressure you into it? I swear, I'll set them straight."

I chuckled a little. "No, no, they didn't pressure me. I do want to, swimming is ... is something I love." I remembered the high I got from swimming, the feeling of freedom. "How was your day, Angie?"

He playfully narrowed his eyes at the nickname but didn't comment on it like he usually would. "It was long. Lots of business meetings. I will be glad to take some time off this summer with you and our brothers."

I smiled. "You're taking time off work to spend time with us?"

"Of course. Are you okay with going to Italy for a few weeks once school ends? You'll have lots of time to read and relax."

"Will I get to meet the rest of the family?"

"Yes, you'll meet Enzo and Granny."

"I can't wait, honestly."

"They can't wait to see you, bambina. It's been a long thirteen years. They're going to spoil you so much."
He stood, reached down and nipped my chin with a smile. "Go to sleep. You have a long day tomorrow."

"Okay, Angie."

He huffed. "Don't call me that."

"Stop calling me baby."



In the brightly lit gym, the scent of worn leather hung heavy in the air. Christian stood across from me, wearing a tight fitting black t-shirt and black nylon pants that swished when he moved. I glanced down at my own outfit, black shorts and a loose fitting purple tee. Shadows flickered on the walls as Christian prepared to unravel the secrets of throwing a punch.

"Alright, it's not just about strength. It's about technique," Christian's soft voice carried wisdom. "Stand firm, shoulders, and keep your weight centered."

I nodded, trying to mimic Christian stance, my gaze fixed on him.

"Now, imagine your fist is an extension of your whole body. It's not just your arm doing the work," Christian explained, demonstrating a controlled motion. "The power comes from your legs and hips. Like this."

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