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The rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore transported me into a dream. I found myself on a pristine beach, the golden sand warm beneath my feet. The sky, painted with hues of pink and orange, seemed to stretch endlessly, its reflection shimmering on the vast ocean. Seagulls cawed in the distance, their silhouettes outlined against the setting sun.

A familiar laughter, sweet to me ears, echoed. "Remember this place?" It was Mom, her long hair caught in the gentle sea breeze, her white sundress fluttering.

I smiled, memories flooding back. "This is where we built our first sandcastle together, isn't it?"

She beckoned me with a twinkle in her eyes. "Come on, let's see if you still have your castle-building skills."

Together, we created sand structures, the ones we used to craft when I was little, with intricate designs and towering spires. Mom drew a heart in the sand, encircling our names. "Forever and always, okay, Alessia?"

"Just like the tides," I replied, squeezing her hand.

We sat, letting the waves touch our feet, the water cool against our skin. I rested my head on her shoulder. She hummed our favorite lullaby, and whispered, "Life has its ebbs and flows, sweetie. But our bond? It's unbreakable."

I nodded, tears blurring my vision. "I miss you, Mom."

She wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close. "I'm always here, in your heart, in your memories. Never forget that."

I awoke, the dream's emotions clung to me. Though it was just a fleeting moment, it felt like a lifetime. Then a wave of sadness washed over me, a feeling of hollowness seeping into my chest. I squeezed my wrists, wishing I had more time with her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Angelo asked, flicking his sunglasses up, frowning. We were at the beach, a perfect day out before I started school tomorrow.

I smiled at my older brother. "I'm just thinking about my mom."

Angelo froze, before nodding. "What was she like? I only knew her for a little over a year before she took you away."

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "She was incredible. Warm, loving, with this infectious laughter. She had this ability to see the best in everyone and every situation, no matter how bleak it might seem." I glanced at the horizon, where the sun met the sea. "She loved the beach, and she said it always reminded her of the ... the impermanence of life. How the waves came and went, just like our moments. She wrote a lot of poetry too."

Angelo watched me intently, absorbing every word. "I don't have too many memories with her. All I have are fragments, a few photographs, and the stories Dad told me."


"Angelo? Can I ask you something?"

"You can ask me about anything in the world, bambina."

"What happened to dad? Heidi said he died in a car accident."

"Yes, Lorenzo La Rosa died five years ago," Angelo murmured, sadness flowing through his words. "I'm sorry you never got to know him ... he never stopped searching for you, Alessia. He would have spoiled you rotten."

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