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Jimin eyes widened when jungkook proposed him. He still can't believe it..'

J..Jungkook you're not joking right..' jimin asked him in low voice..'

Jungkook chuckles at him..' when he saw his innocent face..'
"Why do I joke about in such sensitive things..? Jiminaa..'

Jimin was looking at him with teary innocent eyes..'he didn't know how to express his current feelings.
He lowered his head down and letting his tears flow down freely..'

Jungkook slowly satup from his knees and he slowly getting closer to jimin.
"Jiminiee I understand you won't believe me that easily now..' because I know how I hurted you so badly..' but I realised your importance and worth..' the way you took care of me..' No matter how much I hurt you badly but still you always took care of me.

Then I realised how I did big mistake in my life..'

Jimin eyes completely turned into red eyes..' he can't believe it.. because his "jungkook" was proposing him..' it's still looking like a dream to him..'

J..Jungkook, I-I don't know what to say..' because it's all looking like a dream..' to me..'

Jungkook came even more closer to him.."baby I know you can't believe my words because you crossed so many hard situations by me..' what I did it's really so horrible thing to you..' but please trust me baby..' what I'm saying is everything true..' trust me..' jungkook pleaded him with low voice.

When jimin looking into jungkook eyes he can see his sincerity..' but it's all sudden..' he needs some time..'
"Jungkook I don't know what to say..' jimin said in low voice..'
jungkook slowly cupped his cheeks and came closer to him..' he was staring into jimin's eyes so deeply..'
and slowly he's leaning into the kiss..' jimin gulped his lump and feeling so nervous when he's getting closer to him..' then finally jungkook attached his thin lips to juicy pillowy lips..'

Jimin eyes widened but he slowly closed his eyes..'and feeling his thin lips on his lips..' he felt everything like a dream..' to him..'
the kiss was soft and tender..' he was not making any discomfort to him..' he was slowly sucking his lips and enjoying his sweetness of his lips..'
after five minutes he finally left his lips and looked at jimin's flushed face. Which he lowered his head down and feeling so shy under his gaze..'

"Y-you stole my first kiss.." jimin said in low voice..'

"Yeah I had to right to stole your first kiss.." after all
I'm your "boyfriend" now.. so I have those rights..'

Jimin looked at him so innocently with questionable look..'
"But still I haven't told my answer to you..'

jungkook smiled at him and hugged him so securely and placed sweet kiss on his forehead. Jimin slowly closed his eyes and enjoying his warmth embrace and thin lips in his forehead..'

"I already know your answer baby.." jungkook said to him..' while brushing his nose to his button nose..'

Jimin felt thousand butterflies dancing in his stomach when Jungkook mentioned him baby..'
he cupped his face with his tiny hands and burried his face in jungkook's chest..'

Jungkook smiled at him with sweet smile..'

"So my little tiny hooman.." can you be my boyfriend..? Jungkook asked him low voice..' which he still didn't leave him..'
Jimin Lowered his head down and shyly nodded his head.
"I need words baby.." jungkook said to him..'

"Y-yes...jimin said to him..'

Jungkook smiled at him with lot of happiness and hugged him again..'

...."Hello my boyfriend"...
Taehyung was waiting for jimin so patiently..' anger grew in him.. he didn't know why Jimin didn't came here..'
He was calling him so continuously but the smaller one was not lifting his calls.
He waited he waited a lot but from other side no response..' so he left out from cafe with anger face..' he was fuming in anger so dangerously..' he have to get know why Jimin didn't came to him..' so he furiously went to his dorm.
Jungkook and jimin was their at the nearest park to their dorm..' jimin said to jungkook he wants to spend some more time with jungkook..' so jungkook didn't refused his offer he gladly accepted.
Now jimin laid his head on jungkook forearm and intertwined his short fingers with jungkook's long slender fingers..'
Jimin was enjoying the present moment..' he really don't want to open his eyes he thought he was in still dream land..' but no.... It's damn reality which jimin wants to be live in..'

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