10 Months Late!

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The whole day was kinda bugging him.

Not being able to see Dia and not bickering with her was almost practically boring. Asher was letting her into his personal space which was relieving as well as haunting. Whenever the thought came of her adorable face came when she was walking right in front of him and making sure he is there was like butterflies in his stomach. Her eyebrows are always tensed when she is dealing with Asher and he was finding it fucking cute.

After an exhausting day, he went home and had dinner with Jaxon. He wanted to text her to make sure she was okay but he should not. She deals with this every month so it's sort of stupid to ask such a question.

It was 11 o'clock when he got a call, jumping excitedly he went to receive the call thinking it might be Dia. But it was Lucian. But why was he calling at this late hour? He was keeping an eye on Dia, something must have happened to her.

He quickly answered the ring, "I'm sorry boss, I don't know if I should tell you or not but...," he was cut by Asher.

"Get to the point, Lucian," he said getting up from the bed.

"It's Dia, I know she is just an employee but I think she needs help," said Lucian.

"What do you mean she needs help?" Asher said growing impatient every second. He will kill Lucian if he doesn't stop beating around the bush and get to the point straight.

Lucian was confused as hell why Asher was so concerned about her, after all, she is just a worker who works under him.

"She is crying, I asked her to go to the hospital but she is refusing like a baby. I think it's getting serious now, she was fine in the morning but now she is weeping like she is having a nightmare" Lucian added.

"Stay with her, I'm on my way," Asher said without any hesitation. Lucian was more confused now, why was he almost sounding worried about her?

"Kit, go watch over Jaxon!" he demanded his son's bodyguard and went into his Mustang to his hotel. Within 20 minutes, he reached Dia's room and found Lucian standing near her door.

"if something happens to my employees, you tell me immediately," Asher warned him and Lucian nodded. He knocked on her door a few times but she didn't respond. He said to Lucian to wait here while he go in check up on her.

When he stepped in, he saw Dia was curled like a ball and was weeping and wailing. She was sobbing in pain, her eyes were puffy from crying continuously. He rushed towards her and found her bedsheet covered in blood.

"Fuckin' hell!" he sighed.
Dia heard him and turned around to see him standing near her bed, "what? I'm I dreaming? Mr. Black?" Dia said in a heavy tone. She was holding her stomach tightly as it was hurting like a bitch.

"What are you doing here?" she added. She was confused about how the hell he was in her hotel room at this hour.

"What's happening? Are you okay?" he said with a genuine worry in his tone. His heart was breaking into pieces to see her in this condition.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just my period, it happens all the time," she tried to explain and it felt like she was almost passing out.

"Shit, shit, come here, little birdie," he called her but when she struggled to get up he went to capture her.

Dia was embarrassed because of the mess she was in, her bedsheet was covered with her blood. When Asher came to hold her she flinched a bit, "I'm dirty, don't touch me,"

"Shut up, I'm taking you to the doctor," he said.    

"what? Like right now?" she quaked and he nodded.
"Okay, just let me change, alright?" she asked.

"there's no time for that,"
"Please," she was ashamed to go out like this. Her shorts were covered in red. What the hell is wrong with her, if she was suffering this much she should have asked for help instead of writhing in pain like this, Asher thought to himself.

She changed her shorts into black pants, Asher was waiting on the chair. She was weary going through all of the aches. He motioned her to walk forward and shouted to Lucian, "this is your last warning and call someone to clean her room right now,"

Asher was driving to the nearest hospital while Dia was still holding her stomach as if it was separating into two pieces.

"Are you okay?" Asher asked.
"yes, it happens with me all the time but this time it was just...too much,"

"do you have any idea, why?" he asked.
"yes, last time I got my period late, that is why it's hurting so much. I've always had this problem from the start, it's normal," she explained still sobbing in pain.

"How late?" he asked.
"10 months!" she hesitated. It is not normal for a woman that her period is this late if it's not pregnancy.

"It's always like this, always irregular," she said while holding her tummy and writhing in pain.  Asher was confused as hell, he didn't know anything about that.

She was sobbing in pain, Asher couldn't see that so he kept one of his hands on hers and she calmed down a bit. He had an effect on her like nobody. She froze for a second but it didn't hurt any less but she tried to calm down.

"We are here," he said and helped her get out of the car. He held her arms and took her himself to Dr. Chen. She was a trusted doctor, Asher knew her when his mother used to come to her.

Once Dia was in the room, he was waiting in the hall and was thinking about how could a period be this late. Was she pregnant? Nope, didn't look like that. It better not be! It must be some women-problem that he didn't know of.

Snapping out of his thoughts he took out his phone and got a message from Zed.

"Boss, we got a lead on Nadir Khan."

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