Diana: The Truth

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Asher went back to Zed's apartment. The heavy security let him pass through the main door only to find an angry Zed standing there with his hands folded.

"what are you doing here?" Zed said dryly. Even Zed could feel the pain in Dia's eyes when he heard she was married to a man old enough to be her father.

"what do you mean I'm doing here, I'm here for Jaxon," The emptiness in him was clearly showing. He just let his one thing watch go which made him believe in love all again.

"I know but why are you not after Dia, where is she?"
"I don't care," Asher spat immediately. He crossed the entrance and went to Zed's room to find his son but Zed blocked his way.

"Don't," Zed said with pleading eyes. He clearly knew how much Dia meant to him. He also knew Asher wanted to go after her at any cost but he was stubborn.

"Don't what, Zed. She fucking lied to me. What if she was there to spy on me and in the process she distracted? I can't let my son be affected because of me. Anything could have happened tonight,"

"I know but it didn't. She helped us to get back my nephew. Why would she do that? And she had fucking good reasons to run away from her awful life. Don't you see, you fool? Don't let the monsters take her away from you, brother,"

"enough, I'm here to get my son," he was blinded with contempt, he was not thinking straight. He loved her and he just let her go in front of him, he turned her back on her. She had solid reasons to get away from her early life and lie to fit into this life.

"Fine. If you don't, I'll bring her back," he said while hitting on Asher's chest.


"because three years ago I watched a woman you love leave and I can't do that again. Not if I can do something," Zed uttered in utmost disbelief about Asher being a coward. Coward of his feelings.

Zed came out of the room and found an old lady in her late fifties standing in his living room, "who are you?" he asked that unknown lady. Asher stood beside him, "How the hell you got inside," they both got a little alerted,  she couldn't be alone in here.

And she wasn't,

"I brought her," Walter's voice boomed in and he stood beside the lady.

"it's time we should have a proper chat, Mr. Black," she said. Her eyes kind of looked familiar, and her whole face looked familiar, "I'm Diana Ariz, Dia's grandmother,"

Both the Blacks got confused, about how Dia's grandmother knew any of this and how the hell she knew his grandpa.

"What do you want from me, Mrs. Ariz," Asher said gritting his teeth. He thought she was sent by his stupid father to know about the whereabouts of Dia but she was too smart to run away from those idiots. But how long she could run, she will be caught again at some point and the thought made Asher murder her entire family.

"I'm here for the truth and I'm afraid I don't have much time. My granddaughter is in danger," she said with glittering eyes. Something about her told Asher that she was not with Mehmet, she was on her granddaughter's side.

"I'm listening," Asher and Zed sat opposite them and she started the real truth,

"My daughter died giving birth to Dia, and she made me promise to look after my granddaughter and not leave her at her father's hand at any cost. I always loved Dia, she is the only reason I'm breathing. I raised her, fed her, and clothed her. I was taking good of her until her father came and took her to his manor. Dia begged me to come live with her but I didn't.
At only one cost she agreed to live with her father, once she turns eighteen I'll help her escape from this life and she will live a normal life like her mother wanted her to.

Mehmet's brother Nicholas was about to be married to a girl who was even younger than Dia. Her name was Rory. Rory did not want to marry that monster. On their wedding night, Rory begged Dia to stab her with a knife in her throat because there was no other way to be free from the Ercel family and she chose death over this hell.

Rory said she will not feel any pain if Dia ended her life, she will be dead in just a moment. She did not want to die every day by marrying that monster. So Dia did what Rory wished for.
And from that day she has never been the same.
When Nicholas found out about what happened in that room he demanded Mehmet to marry her daughter to him as a payment for what she did to avoid any internal war. Mehmet never cared for Dia because he believed she was the reason his wife died.

Dia didn't know that she will be the other girl trapped just like Rory. The marriage was held just one month after the incident took place and that was the day she turned eighteen. And she was molested by her uncle for entire months, he used to touch her and say irreverent and disgusting things about her body. She only went through all this because of my promise.

And I did what I felt was right, and do trust me I will do anything for her. I can take a life for her and I can sacrifice my life for her. She is the only thing that matters to me. I set up everything for her fake suicide on her wedding day. I chose a church beside a massive lake and said that she jumped in that lake.

They found the wedding gown but they never found the body and after a few days they declared that she died.

And now that my child was free, she lived in the US for three years safely but one of the men of Mehmet recognized her, and that's when she moved to England, that's when her car hit yours and your men brought her to you. She was safe with you and happy that's why I never came to visit her otherwise she'd be caught but Nicholas found out about her, and one of your men gave her up. I don't know who but someone is definitely from your inner circle." Diana spoke. The concern for Dia in her voice was clearly visible.

"and trust me when I say this, she was never the same when she stabbed Rory until she met you and your son, Jaxon," she added.

"Now that you know the truth, it's not her fault. She truly loves you. But since you made it obvious, that you don't want her. I need a small favor from you,"  Dia went on, " These are fake files, it says you and Dia are married and she is one month pregnant. I just need three months to make some arrangements.  Once she will be safe you both will call off the wedding. I know you have no reason to accept this but..," tears flow from her eyes, Walter kept a hand on his shoulder, "but if you ever loved her, give her a chance to escape from that nightmare, she loved you and your son, please. Only you can save her. If she will be with you, Mehmet or Nicholas will not dare to hurt her, I'm just asking you to keep her safe for three months that's all,"

"Where is she?" he said and Walter gave his phone to track her car.
"I'll accept it but in the process, I'm going to kill Nicholas with my own bare hands," he proposed with angry eyes.
"Done," Diana shrieked.

With that, he turned," Asher wait," Zed called from behind.

"Thank you. Bring her back," with a nod Asher left to find her woman. Nothing mattered right now, no lies, no wedding nothing. Just her and her safety. Even though she lied to her but he will still keep his promise to keep her safe. Nothing will harm her, no one will lay a finger on her.

"he will bring her back, I promise," he murmurs to her grandma and she offers a sad smile, " but I'm afraid, after three months I don't think he is gonna let her walk away," with an amused face. With that Diana took a sigh of relief that her granddaughter will be safe for life. Deep down everyone knew that they loved each other and they will not walk away once the contract is over they just need a little push.

"That was the plan, love," Walter winks at Zed.

"how do you know each other by the way grandpa,"
"Oh, she was one of my girlfriends  back when I was in college."

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