Baby Rose

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(Giovanni's POV)

The plan ride felt so much longer. He was so close. So close to getting his baby girl back. Quickly rushing off the plane when it landed and then getting in the car he told his driver to go to new hope hospital and to get there as fast as possiable.

Taking a breath as he pulled up to the hospital. This was it. Striding into the hospital he went to the front desk.

"Giovanni Costello i recived a call my daughter was here."

A doctor overheard and came over.

"Mr Costello ? Im dr davies. Im the one treating luna. The police also gave me all the custody forms you will need" he handed over some forms and Giovanni begin to fill them out.

"A few things you should know... it appears that her adoptive father was well.. abusive. During her examination when she arived i noticed many old and new scars as well as some cuts and a lot of brusies on her legs and ribs."

He froze and then angry washed over him.

"That mans lucky to have died before i found him."

"Another thing !" The doctor said bringing him out of his thoughts.

" luna is currently pregnant and currently in active labour."

"W-what ! Your telling me my 15 year old daughter is pregnant !" He yelled looking beyong mad. Not at his little girl, never at her. It must of been something that aweful fake father did to her. Shes only 15 she wouldnt of wanted to get pregnant yet.

There was a buzzer and the doctor looked over.

"Thats your daughters room"
He said quickly going into lunas room and Giovanni followed.

"Its time to push" the doctor said so he quickly took Lunas hand seeing how scared she looked as she started pushing.

Through the full two hours he said soft things into her ear in italian calling her his babygirl, his angel, his sunshine saying how good she was doing. It pained him to see her like this.

"Its a girl" he heared the doctor say as the baby was put against lunas chest. She was so small just like luna had been.

"My little rose" luna said tearing up before passing out.

The doctor carefully took the baby placing her in a small crib by the bed. He stood frozen for a few minuetes just looking at luna. She had long white blonde hair but his green eyes, she was small maybe 5'2 and even with being pregnant she was still very skiney and he could see brusies. His baby suffered so much.

He turned his attention to rose all bundled up. She was perfect, a tiny baby.

"The baby is in perfect health, although i would suggest your daughter have regular appointments to make sure she heals properly... would you like to hold your granddaughter ?"

He silently nodded as the doctor handed him rose. She gurgled and slowly opened her eyes at him, she had his green eyes and he could tell from the tiny whisps of hair that she had she was going to have dark hair he smiled looking at her.

"Your a Costello alright little one. From now on you and your mama will have everything you could ever want" he smiled as he softly placed her back into her crib when she yawned.

He then texted Bruno to say he had landed and was going to be probably another day. He then texted one of his men that had been waiting outside for him and told him to go and get some burgers and fries as he remembered his ex-wife was starving after giving birth as well as new clothes for both luna and rose.

He then sat and waited for luna to wake up.

(Luna's POV)

She groaned as she rolled onto her side slightly.

Fighting to open her eyes she saw the small clock on the wall and gasped sitting up seeing she was asleep for almost over an hour.

She regretted it right away as she got shooting pains everywhere. She leaned back and then stiffened up seeing the man from earlier sat next to her.

"Hello. Im Giovanni Costello and well.. im your biological father." He said slowly clearly seeing how she would react.

It took her a second to process. Hes her father. Her real father. Her real father just helped her give birth...

Her mind immediantly began to spirel. He must be so disapointed in her. A baby at 15. She couldnt tell him back what her adoptive father did. He would be disgusted at her. He might change his mind and send her to an orphanage and then what would happen to her and her daughter.

The most she could manage was a small nod as she winced managing to sit up. She smiled weakly seeing rose by her bed.

"I have been looking for you. Well me and your brothers have been looking... for 13 years... and now your back .. and it appears im now a grandfather as well" he had a small smile. It was a sad smile but she could tell me was kind.

He then placed a mcdonalds bag infront of her. God it smelt good she hadnt ever had it but everytime she went past it smelled so good.

"This is.." she started eyeing him slightly. A thing her fake father would do is put food infront of her but hit her if she tried to take it.

"Its for you. Go ahead you must be hungry"

She quickly tore into it. It tasted as good as it smelt. In the end she finished two burgers large fries and a fizzy drink.

"So whenever your ready i have my plane standing by to bring you home with me... to italy. And there isnt really any time to grab anything if theres anything important then i can have it shipped later"

She thought for a second.. there wasnt anything from that house she wanted. The only clothes she had where what she came in with and she didnt have anything for rose either. She had no phone or any other technology.

"Theres nothing..." she said quietly as she looked down.

"Here. I had someone go and buy you some different clothes. Its a long plane ride"

She looked over shocked. New clothes. For her. She took them shaking. She hadnt had new clothes in almost three years. She looked at them, a large dark red hoodie and black sweatpants.

She flinched slightly when she heard a russling but it was just Giovanni getting some new shoes out of their box. They where black with a deep red tick on the side.

"I had to guess on the size but they should fit. When your ready to go just get changed and we shall head to the airport... i havent told your brothers yet but i know they will be so happy to see you again"

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