What brothers do

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(Salvatore's POV)

"Whos the slut !"

Ugh sara.

Sara had been in the twins class and tried her best to flirt with them all the way to graduation. But she couldnt even tell them apart when their tattoos where covered and she was always throwing herself at them.

And now she had the nerve to call their sister a slut.

Sal groaned and rolled his eyes. If luna wasnt there he would of smashed her head against the table for disrespecting his sister.

"Well. You have me right in front of you." Sara said gesturing to herself.

She was about 5'5, dyed bright red hair, brown eyes. Curvey with big boobs and a small waist. She had on a pink mini skirt, a white crop top of pink heels.

"And yet you ignore me and get some bitch pregnant."

She folded her arms.

Luna was silent looking down trembling holding rose close to her.

"Wait here luna" sal said low as he grabbed saras hand and dragged her into a nearby bathroom.

"Well." Sara said.

God she didnt know when to shut her mouth.

"The person you just disrespected. Is my sister and my newborn neice."

Sara started shaking realising her mistake. If she yelled at his girlfriend that was one thing. Yelling at his family was another.

Before she could even say anything Sal punched her and then grabbed her hair.

"Dont ever come near me or my family again. Got it."

She quickly nodded and ran out the bathroom. Sal sighed as he made his way back to luna. Antonio was now there with their food.

"All good ?" He asked

"Yeah just telling off sara."

Antonio groad just at her name and then nodded.

"Well lets eat this and then head home"

Luna nodded quietly as she fed rose her bottle. She gave a soft smile as rose happily kicked her legs.

Soon they all went home. Sal helped carry all the bags up to Lunas room for her.

When they got to her room where was a new cot waiting by the bed for her. She smiled softly putting rose into it as she fell asleep.

"Tonight look for more furniture you want okay"

Luna nodded and then gently took the bags but frowned slightly.

"Y-your h-hand ?" She asked softly seeing his hand was all scraped up from hitting sara.

"Oh i trip and fell into a wall haha. Pretty stupid huh i was lucky i put my hand infront of my face or i could of broken my nose too"

Luna nodded slightly just looking down.

"Now you get sorted and ill shout you when dinner is done"

(Luna's POV)

She sighed as Sal left. She checked on rose and gently stroked her cheek seeing she was still asleep. She then began to unpack all their new clothes.

She dedicated a rail and some draws in the walkin closet just to rose as her brothers had went a little crazy buying her things. She then organised her own clothes smiling when she got to a big over sized hoodie that matched one Antonio and Sal both had.

It made her happy knowing they wanted her to match them. Them taking her out today also made her so happy. They didnt mind being seen with her and rose.

Of course that woman had confirmed her fears that others see her as a disapointment or a slut. She took a deep breath as she finished lining up her new shoes.

She quickly went to rose picking her up as she started to squirm and sniffle.

"Ive got you my baby. Your okay my rose"

She said gently rocking her. She then quickly changed her nappy and quietly went downstairs. She froze seeing someone she didnt know in the kitchen cooking.

It was a tall man with tattoos covering both arms. He had on a dress shirt with the the sleeves rolled up and black pants.

He heared her some in and looked over . He had a big scar going over one of his eyes.

"Ah you must be luna. Im Sam. Boss i mean your dad is doing some work so asked me to cook oh and i already made a bottle too. Food will be done soon"

He said cherrfully. Luna just nodded slightly as she carefully got the bottle and started feeding rose.

"T-thank you.." she said keeping her eyes down on rose.

Why did all the men here have to be so tall and scary looking.

She squeaked in surprise as rose hit her bottle away spitting up on lunas hoodie. She froze not knowing what to do, rose seemed fine giggling away. But now the clothes her dad had given her where messy. Would she get in trouble. Would he take her new clothes from her because she couldnt keep them clean.

Her mind was racing she didnt even notice sam step closer to her until her gently took rose making her flinch.

"Its alright. Ill clean her up you go change and then come down for dinner" he said calmly.

She nodded quickly and then ran upstairs, regretting it as soon as she made it to her room as her legs gave out on her.

She panted crawling over to her bedside table and grabbing some painkillers she managed to get while out. Quickly taking some she pushed herself up and then got changed. She changed into some babypink leggings and put on the white hoodie that matched her brothers. She quickly grabbed a clean onesie - with little pink roses on- for rose since she probably spit up on herself as well.

When she went back downstairs the twins where there, Antonio now holding rose as sam was dishing up some food. He had made katsu chicken curry with rice. He placed the plates on the table everyone sitting down.

Luna went to take rose

"I-im just gonna change her clothes.."

"Oh i got it" Antonio smiled taking the new clothes from her

"Go on sit down i got this"

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