The Past

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(Rex’s POV)

He stared as Luna came out of the changing room.

There wasn't an inch of her body that didn’t have some kind of scar or mark. Her ribs and thighs looked almost purple from the bruises. Luna was hugging herself trembling, her eyes squeezed shut.

Rex glanced at her family slightly, seeing them all looking both angry and sad.

He jumped into action quickly not wanting Luna’s bravery to go to waste.

“Wow, Luna, your swim suit looks great on you. Come on let's try out the jacuzzi first”

He smiled brightly as he took her hand and they started walking. Luna looked up at him and smiled very shyly, mouthing ‘thank you’.

It took a moment but eventually Blake and the others caught up having now collected themselves. The jacuzzi was by the pool so Giovanni and the twins went into the pool while Blake, Luna and Rex went into the jacuzzi.

“Pink looks great on you by the way”

Blake said as he and Rex sat on either side of Luna.

“I-it’s okay.. i-i know all the s-scars are….”

She looked down, hugging herself again.

“A sign of just how strong you are “

Blake said as he and Rex both on instinct held her hands. Luna slowly looked at them both and then squeezed their hands.

“T-thank you…”

For the next few hours they all indulged in all the treatments the spa had to offer. Rex and Blake stayed by Luna the whole time reassuring her and helping her relax.

Once finished they all went to get changed. Rex was finished first so he went to tell Bruno. He smiled and held back a chuckle as he saw Bruno on the floor letting Rose hit his cheek as she squealed.

“What are you laughing at.”

Bruno said, looking at Rex as he sat up and picked up Rose.

“Nothing nothing … everyones just getting changed … also there's something you need to know..”

Bruno looked at Rex tilting his head slightly, Rose stared at him and then copied, staring at Rex and babbling tilting her head.

“It's just that … Luna got the confidence to wear a bikini today so me and Blake have been doing our best to build up her confidence … her dad and brothers all looked pretty angry seeing the scars and bruises… Can you try to make sure they don't scare her.”

Bruno nodded slightly and then they both looked over as the others walked over. Luna looked nervous holding onto Blakes shirt sleeve slightly as she then ran over to Bruno and softly took Rose.

(Luna’s POV)

She was terrified. She kept her head down the entire car ride only waving slightly when they dropped off Blake and Rex.

She took a deep breath as they pulled up to the house. She gently unclipped Rose’s car seat and held her close getting out of the car.

She walked by her father as everyone dumped their bags by the door and went to the living room.

She softly held onto her fathers sleeve so he would slow down.

“C-can we talk…”

Giovanni's eyes softened as he looked at her

“Of course, how about we go to your room so Rose can have a nap as well ?”

She nodded slightly following him up to her room. Once they got there she placed Rose into her crib and sat on her bed. Giovanni stayed standing to give her space.

She spoke slowly trying to not stutter or trip over her words.

“For as long as I can remember someones always been hurting me.. I remember getting slapped if I asked questions or getting pushed down the stairs if I wasn't going down them fast enough… and there was this man.”

She stopped for a moment wrapping one of her blankets around herself as she started trembling.

“He had a scar on his cheek and everyone called him boss… every time i tried to run away i got sent to him.. he would burn me or hit me… sometimes cut me.. he taught me how to count to ten by pressing a hot metal rod against my skin if i got it wrong.”

She moved the blanket to be over her head like she was trying to hide from her memories.

Giovanni sat down by her gently and slowly taking her hand looking heart broken.

“And then one day I got told my dad had come to take me away… for the first week he was nice … and then he wasn't … i got hit and cut and burned.. and he use to lock me in the attic and not feed me for days or put me in the basement with his friends… even when i got pregnant it didn't stop.. he still hit and cut me.. “

Giovanni gently stroked the back of her hand with his thumb.

“I'm so sorry you went through all that bambina. But your brothers and i are here now. No one will ever hurt you or rose. I promise”

Luna looked up at him and broke down crying. She clung onto Giovanni as she sobbed for what felt like hours but was actually only about 20 minutes.

She cried until her throat was scratchy, until her eyes were puffy and sore. She cried for every sad and painful memory she had.

All the while Giovanni was silent just holding her and stroking her hair softly.

Then the darkness took hold and she felt herself pass out.

(3rd person POV)

Giovanni felt her small body relax against him her breathing evening out as she passed out.

He softly moved her hair from her face as he kissed her forhead lovingly and then he tucked her into bed. He then gave Rose a forhead kiss as well before leaving the room.

He closed the door behind him and then put his head against the door closing his eyes and just letting it all sink in.

Making his way downstairs he got an idea as Luna’s birthday was coming up in a few weeks.

He was going to make this the best birthday ever for her. She deserved it.

He also desprately needed the distraction.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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