School and Blood

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(Giovanni's POV)

He sighed slightly as he got into the house. He could smell pizza and couls hear giggling.

The boys and Luna where sat on the couch eating pizza and watching a movie. And there was a travel crib by them that Rose was laid in as she kept trying to grab her feet giggling.

"Hope you saved some for me"

He said as he made his way over and grabbed a slice of pizza. He smiled eating it.

"Did you have a good sleep over Luna ?"

She nodded slightly fiddling with her hands.

"W-we watched d-disney and Nonna gave m-me hugs when the b-blonde lady l-left"

He nodded slightly and petted her head softly.

"Im glad you had a good time bambino. If your up for it i have some tests for you to take, its so your new school knows where you are "

She nodded. Soon they finished their food and she picked up Rose taking her upstairs.

(Luna's POV)

She took Rose upstairs along with the papers her father had given her. She sat on her bed with Rose on her lap as she began to fill out the papers.

She wrapped a blanket around herself and Rose as she worked out some math questions. She gritted her teeths trying to stop a flash back.


Luna was only 5. She was in a office. A tall man with a scar on his cheek sat in the chair smoking.

"You tried to runaway again didnt you you little brat."

Luna gulped and looked down at her small feet. It was true she had tried to runaway when one of the gang members had accidently left her cell door open.

"Now your going to count to ten."

The tall figure walked over to the fire place getting the fire poker next it to putting it into the flames.

"Everytime your wrong ill press this poker into your skin. And then you start counting again. Your not leaving here until you have done it right."

Luna kept her head down fiddling with her fingers.

"One... hm two.. hmm f-fou--"


She squeaked at the shout and flinched as she got grabbed and the figure grabbed the poker.

"Now hold still."

(Flashback Over)

She was shaking as she hugged Rose softly.

"Its okay baby, no ones going to hurt you. "

She said softly as she rocked Rose. Rose smiled up at her and giggled patting her cheeks.

Luna sighed to herself as she did her best to finish the papers for school. After a few hours she was finished. She placed a now sleeping Rose into her crib and went downstairs looking for her father.

Bruno was in the kitchen getting a drink and looked over seeing her walk in.

"Looking for father ?"

Luna nodded slightly holding her papers close.

"Hes in his office ill take you"

She quickly followed as Bruno started walking. He took her up to a third floor and showed her into a large office where Giovanni was.

As soon as she stepped into the office she started to sweat and hyperventilate. Bruno gently put his arms around her to support her.

"Hey hey your okay, breath. Your safe here"

He said gently as Giovanni nodded and they both gently walked her out of the office and back to her room. The short walk helped calm her.

"What did you need me for little one"

Giovanni asked softly sitting her down onto her bed. Luna just held the papers out to him quietly.

"Ah i see thank you"

He smiled gently as he then looked over to check on Rose

"You should get some sleep as well dear you will be coming with me to see your new school and look around before you start."

She nodded lying down. Giovanni and Bruno both said good night and kissed her forhead and then left. Luna took a quick shower and then got ready for bed and fell asleep.

In the morning she wokeup and got changed into some tights, a white skirt and a pink long sleeved top. She sat on her bed watching Rose as she put on some pink boots. She quickly changed Rose and then went downstairs.

Giovanni was already waiting for her as he was tapping away at his phone. Luna grabbed an apple and then Rises bag quickly making her a bottle.

They got into the car and she fed Rose her bottle on the way. She held Rose to her as they got to the school and walked inside. All the students where in their first class so the halls were empty.

"Why dont you look aroud ? Just be careful, ill meet you back here in about 10 minuetes ?"

Luna nodded as Giovanni went into the admin office. Luna began to walk around, she ended up on the roof looking at the clouds.

She jumped hearing someone clear their throat behind her. She turned seeing a tall male with dyed blonde hair, brown eyes and an eyebrow piercing.

"Why are you up here ? This is my spot. Wait is that a baby. "

He said as he stepped closer. She backed away scared as she turned heading for the stairs.

"Hey wait"

The boy said as he grabbed her arm. She paniced and trued to shrug him off but she began to lose her balance. She did the only thing she could as she fell and that was to push Rose into the boys arms.

The boy fumbled slightly but managed to hold onto Rose and he looked up shocked seeing Luna fall and roll down the stairs.

"Shi--- are you okay"

He said holding Rose and quickly making his way down to Luna. Luna tried to breath but her ribs felt like they were on fire.


Before she could even finisb the word she started to throw up blood. She turned her head to the side coughing.

"Do not move. Im going to go get someone."

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