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(Blake's POV)

It had been three hours and Rose had not let go. Whenever antonio tried to take her she would cry and push herself up against Blake's chest.

Blake softly shushed her and rocked her softly.

"Its not fair. Why does she like you."

Sal sighed as he gently stroked Rose's hair. Rose jumped slightly and sniffled as the front door opened and closed.

Giovanni was back he looked to Blake and then to Rose.

"Why is he here ?"

"Rose wont let go and cried if we try to take her"

Antonio explained. Giovanni hummed as he walked close and sat by Blake then very gently went to take Rose. But once again she started crying and pushing her face into Blakes chest.

"Hm maybe its because her mom passed her to me ?"

Blake said as he gently rocked her to calm her down.

"Whatever the reason she needs a bottle and a nap"

Giovanni got up and then came back with a bottle for Rose. He did attempt to feed Rose but she kept dodging the bottle and holding onto Blake. Eventually he sighed and handed the bottle to Blake who fed her without issue.

Soon rose was nodding off in Blakes arms. Once she was fully asleep Antonio took her from Blake and laid her down in the travel cot by the couch.

Giovanni looked to Blake.

"Luna should be home in a day or two i have your number so ill call you to come meet her properly when she is home."

Blake just nodded and said his goodbyes as he left. Finally out of the house he took a deep beath. He quickly began to walk home.

It was only around 2pm when he got home. His parents were at work so he went to this room and sat on his bed. He couldnt belive he had met the head family for the Costello mafia. Whats more he was going to be protecting one of them.

He sighed as he began to empty his pockets so he could take a nap. He pulled out one of Roses bibs, he must of put it in his pocket by mistake. He smiled slightly looking at it. Rose was so small and inocent and adorable. Even though she had the same features as the current head of the Costello's, she had yet to grow into the name its self.

Blake folded up the bib and put it by his wallet so he would remember to take it back whenever he went to go meet luna.

He laid down and attempted to get some sleep.

(Luna's POV)

>>next day 8Am>>

The hospital was boring. She had been looking at the same white walls for around a half hour now. She had noticed the tv however she didnt know how to use the remote.

She had seen people use it however she herself had never used it and she didnt even know if she was allowed. She jumped slightly as her father came into the room.

"Your awake"

He smiled happily striding across the room quickly to take a seat next to her.

"Once you eat something the doctors say you can go home although you have to take it easy for about 2 weeks"

She nodded slightly and then looked up at him.

"S-school-l ?"

As much as it brought back bad memories Luna wanted to learn. She wanted to be able to write properly and not the shaking little scratches she does. She wanted to be useful.

"School.. well in a few days maybe, but you have to promise to be careful. And ill talk to the school for you to leave classes early so you can get around before the crowds."

Luna smiled and nodded weakly.

After a few hours Luna managed to keep down some toast and was allowed to go home.

Giovanni helped her out of the car as they got home. He settled her onto the couch since she insisted she wasnt tired.

"Luna dear, the boy that was with you when you fell. He feels really bad and would like to apologise properly. Is that okay ?"

Luna nodded slightly fiddling her hands, she wasnt mad at the boy as she knew it was her fault she had stepped back. She looked around slightly looking for Rose.

"Ah rose is up in your room. I hope you dont mind but i slept in there last night to keep an eye on her"

Bruno said softly as he sat down next to her.

"I-is o-o-okay"

"The boy should be here just in time for dinner. You rest bambino and we will look after Rose."

Giovanni said softly stroking lunas hair. Luna nodded as she got up wobbling a little. Antonio went by her side and gently picked her up being extra careful of her ribs. He took her to bed carefully putting her down and putting the blanket over her.

>>4 hours later>>

Luna had woken up from her nap and even though it was a struggle due to the pain she took a shower and got changed into beige hoodie and white sweatpants.

She slowly walked down stairs. She looked into the living room seeing her brothers and her father sat with Rose. Rose was watching the tv which was just showing some shapes moving around the screen.

She walked in and sat by salvatore.

"Ah your up i was just going to come wake up, dinners done and that boy is almost here."

Luna nodded as she gently took Rose from Brunos lap. Rose held onto her top lightly and nuzzled her chest.

Luna looked up hearing a knock at the door and giovanni went answering it. He came back into the room with the boy from the roof.

Luna looked up at him unsure what to say.

"Hello my names Blake Shen. Im sorry about what happened before.."

He said as he akwardly scratched his neck. Luna smiled very slightly. It was the first time anyone had ever apologised for hurting her and she could tell he didnt mean to hurt her.

"T-thank you for k-keeping r-rose s-safe"

She said softly causing Blake to look at her and nod

"Of course least i could do"

Antonio cut in seeming to be almost jealous at someone else getting Lunas attention.

"Hey sis listen Rose wouldnt let go of him until she fell asleep she dont love me anymore"

Antonio said dramaticly fake crying. Luna smiled as she gently placed Rose on his lap. Rose giggled and patted his chest liking the noise it made.

Antonio smiled and hugged her. Sam came into the room smiling at the scene.

"Dinners ready"

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