New Friend

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(Rex's POV)

He sat on the couch listening to bruno tell him lunas story.

It was so sad he was almost in tears. How could anyone hurt a child like that.

Bruno was just finishing how they found Luna when they heard crying.

"Sorry one second"

Bruno stood up going into another room and then came back with a small baby dressed in a little pink dress.

"As i was saying, my father got a call from a hospital asking him if he wanted custody of Luna and when he got there she was giving birth to Rose"

He said softly as he bounced Rose shushing her gently and kissing her head.

Rex sat for a moment taking it in, he looked to Blake who was beside him and who seemed equally as shocked.

"Im telling you both all this because i need people i can trust looking out for her at school. It seems a lot of her trama is triggered by crowds and loud noises as well as spesific places."

Rex nodded slightly and then looked up at Bruno

"She went through all that and she still tried to go to school ? Why isnt she homeschooled instead ?"

"After today we will be having that talk with her however we do not want to isolate her or lock her away. She has had 13 years of that already and it could set back her recovery."

Rex nodded. While it wasnt on the same level one of his mother old boyfriends use to hit him. He use to stay in his room and it wasnt until his mother found out and kicked out the boyfriend that Rex even dared to leave his room.

"Ill help as much as i can."

"Good. My father should be back room from work. You two stay for dinner and then Luna can get to know you both"

Rex and Blake silently looked at each other almost making a pact to not leave the other behind as they nodded.

Rose squealed and made grabby hands at Blake and Bruno gently placed her on his lap.

"Wow shes so small... hey little rose im rex im blakes friend"

Rose looked up at Rex holding onto Blakes top as she then giggled and squealed rubbing her face into Blakes top like she was shy.

(Luna's POV)
>>3 hours later>>

She felt drained both physically and mentally. She had taken a shower when she had got into and then had fallen asleep.

She pulled on some a large black hoodie and matching sweats.

She then headed down stairs and saw her brothers on the floor having tummy time with luna. Blake and another boy where sat on the couch.

Luna suddenly felt nervous. She knew she had to greet the guest however her words felt stuck in her throat.

Antonio noticed and nudged Sal who went over and gave her another set of flash cards that he carried for her.

She smiled greatfully as she began to flip through them and showed the boy a card saying ' nice to meet you'.

The boy smiled softly.

"Hello im Rex its great to meet you too, im Blakes friend and if its okay ill help you out in some of the classess too"

Luna nodded sligjtly and smiled softly before she gently picked up rose.

Antonio looked over

"Heyyyy we were all swimming or whatever she was doing"

He said refering to Roses little wiggles that she did.

She let out a soft laugh and she then patted Roses belly making her giggle

"Ah dinner wont be long i think her bottles done thou ill go get it"

Antonio said as he headed into the kitchen.

When he came back luna gave rose her bottle and soon they had dinner. Luna used her flashcards to make some small talk.

Soon after dinner rex and blake went home.

(Blakes POV)

Blake got home and put down his school bag  sitting on the couch and just letting the day sink in.

He had figured Luna's past wasn't great but now knowing everything he felt an overwhelming feeling of protectiveness to her. And for Rose too.

It was new for him after all he was an only child and due to his less then perfect reputation he never had a girlfriend either.

He heard his phone go off and he sighed picking it up. It was rex.

Beauty school drop out(rex):
So today was a lot right i feel like takeaway and movie is in order to destress

Sounds like a great plan ill order it now see ya when you get here

Blake threw his phone onto the bed after ordering pizza. He set up his room for rex coming round.

He got out his movies as well as his few musical dvds that he normally kept hidden.

He thought it looked bad for his image if people found out he loved musicals. Rex was the only one that knew and he loved them just as much.

He even got blake tickets to see a few.

Blake smiled as he set up the bed but his mind slowly went back to Luna wondering if she was okay.

He sat on his bed in thought until rex came in holding the pizza

"Perfect timing huh what we watching tonight ?"

Blake looked up at rex

"Hey rex"

Rex hummed looking at him a mouth full of pizza

"How about this weekend we ask if Luna and rose wanna go somewhere ?"

"Do you think her family will let her ?"

"Maybe its worth an ask and it may do her some good to go outside with normal people you know'

Rex sat on the bed thinking and then smiled.

"I know ! My parents want me to review their new spa. Lets all go!"

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