Finally alone .. sorta (Tony x Sam sidestory)

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(Sam's POV)

He sighed as the last of the men took Sofia's tackey furniture out the house. After it had been searched it was to be sold.

He looked in the direction of the basment cells. The sound of sobbing had stopped a while ago now. Giovanni had left and didnt lock the basment door.

Either way Sofia had nowhere to go. All her so called friends cared about was money. Her own family had disowned her as soon as the divorce was announced.

Sam had been ordered to leave just a bed and the food in the kitchen. Everything else was to go. Even if he hated the women she had gave Giovanni his kids so he wouldnt just kill her. Make her suffer sure but he wouldnt just kill her.

Sam got into his car and started heading home. He thought back on what Giovanni had said before leaving. Had Tony brought back a child ? A baby ? No he knew how scared of babies Sam was.

He shrugged to himself as he turned on the radio zoning out as he drove home.

Pulling up into his driveway he saw Tonys car was already in the drive. He smiled as he got out the car and went inside.

"Honey im home"

Sam chuckled to himself, he and tony both enjoyed being sweet and cheesy to each other in private. At work the most they said in terms of affection was telling each other to stay safe during a mission.

"Im upstairs give me a sec"

Tony shouted down. Sam thought it was a little strange, normally Tony would run down and hug him no matter what he was doing.

"What are you doing ?"

Sam started making his way upstairs heading to their bedroom, looking in he saw a small figure dressed in sweats run into the bathroom closing the door.

Tony looked to Sam nervously, he was dressed in his grey sweatpants and one of Tonys oversized shirts.

"Whats going on"

Tony quickly grabbed Sams hands knowing how quick to anger he was in matters involving their relationship

"Okay take a breath. You know when i was in Teaxs to find out more on bosses daughter"

"..yeah ?.."

"When i went to grab the guy there was a girl there. She looked young and scared and turned out she was mute as well. She was like Luna. She was kidnapped as a baby and forced to do things by that gang. Shes only 12 and well i couldnt just leave her there... she doesnt have anywhere else to go.."

Sam sat on the bed thinking. He and Tony had talked about adopting but with there jobs it just never seemed like a good time. Sam was 29 and Tony was 32, they werent getting any younger.

"..can i meet her before i agree to letting her stay"

Tony quickly nodded and opened the bathroom door

"Its okay stella, Sams my husband. He wont hurt you"

Tony gently took Stellas hand and walked her into the bedroom. She had on some of Tonys old clothes and they were still big on her. She was clutching a note book to her chest.

"Hello Stella, im Sam its nice to meet you"

Stella nodded writting in her book

-nice to meet you too-

"Tony said you dont have anywhere to go ? Would you be comfortable here in this house with us ?"

Stella looked down writting and crossing things out before showing him

-Tony has been nice to me, he hasnt hit me not even once. Everyone is tall and a little scary but i like it here more then master's house. I can cook and clean if you let me stay here-

Sam tapped the bed next to him and she scrambled to sit next to him.

"You dont need to cook or clean to stay here. And i understand that it can be scary being in a new place with people you dont know. But me and Tony will treat you like family and protect you"

Stella started to tear up and Sam hesitated he wanted to hug and comfort her but knew it may trigger something.

She hugged him tight and cried into his chest. Sam gently stroked her hair whispering reassuring words to her.

She soon was asleep against his chest

"Sooo she can stay ?"

Tony asked softly looking at Sam and Stella

"Yes she can stay. I cant imagine what she has been through... can you order us some food"

Tony nodded as he ordered their usual mcdonalds order plus even more chicken nuggests and fries.

Sam gently picked her up taking her to the couch. He wrapped her up in a blanket and turned on the tv.

Sam hated to admit it but have her curled up into his side sleeping peacefully was nice. Of course now his welcome home sex idea was not going to happen.

But part of him didnt mind.

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