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(Antonio's POV)

How could something be so wiggly.

He was attempting to change Roses onesie which she found hilarious and wiggled around while he was trying to go the snaps.

Finally he got them and smiled placing her on his lap as he finally got to eat.

The twins where halfway through their food and Luna had eaten maybe a quarter and said she was full.

Then Antoni got a text come through on the family chat.

Gio (dad):
Boys, your grandparents have decided to make a surprise visit. They are currently in my office. I will tell they we found Luna but you need to make sure Luna is prepared.

Got it

Sal (copy and paste):

Ill talk to her now

Sal (copy and paste):
Oh thank god I didn't wanna have to bring it up i owe you x

He looked up from his phone side eyeing Sal who smiled at him. He cleared his throat.

Luna slowly looked up from rose feeling eyes on her.

"So our grandparents will be visiting today. They are our dads parents... he's telling them that your home. And they are probably going to want to meet you"

For a second she looked scared and then she brought her knees up to her chest.

"O-okay... w-what about r-rose ?" She asked softly seeming to not wanna put up a fight.

"Well .. its their great granddaughter.. I'm sure they will love her" Salvatore said to her softly trying to reassure her.

Luna was silent thinking about it and then nodded.

"O-okay they can m-meet her.."

(Luna's POV)

Her heart was pounding as she headed upstairs after dinner.

She was going to meet her grandparents. She always got told she had no other relative so grandparents as well as a new father and brothers was a lot.

She decided the run a very shallow bath and undressed herself and rose sitting in the bath with her on her lap. She smiled as rose giggled and kicked the water. She used some baby shampoo and conditioner on her little whisper's of hair and then washer her own hair being extra careful and watching rose.

She got out wrapping rose in a hooded towel that had a frog face on the hood. She then dried her self getting ready. She put on black leggings and a white top before pulling on a large cow print hoodie. She had found it after buying a cow onesie for rose.

She thought it might make her feel better to match rose. And it did just a little bit. She smiled an actual smile for once as she looked down at rose asleep in her onesie that was a bit too big.

She looked up hearing the front door open and people come in talking. She then heard Giovannis firm voice.

"Luna come down here please"

She took a deep breath. Don't focus on the people. Your just going downstairs. Its just family. They wont be disappointed. They wont be.

As she repeated those thoughts in her head she slowly began to make her way downstairs. Her father was stood with two older people. The woman came to the mans shoulder. She had long brown hair and was beginning to grey a little but her face didn't look a day over 30. She had on a black dress and black heels with clearly her husbands jacket resting on her shoulders.

The man was as tall as Giovanni with the same black hair but brown eyes. He had on a three piece black suit. He had his arm around his wife's waist as they talked.

"Ah Luna come here. These are your grandparents. Lucia and Angelo."

The man smiled as Luna came over holding rose close to her chest.

"Ah Luna you where so small last we saw you. We are so happy your back."

Lucia noticed rose first.

"What's that dear ? A doll ?"

"Oh ah... n-no... I-its my d-daughter..." she said almost in a whisper closing her eyes tightly waiting for something. A hit, a shout. Something

Instead there was a little squeak. She opened her eye slightly and say Lucia holding her hands over her mouth in surprise, tears in her eyes.

"C-can I hold her ?"

Luna looked down at the sleeping rose and then to Giovanni who nodded slightly. Luna very softly handed rose to Lucia.

Lucia gently moved the hood out of roses face and smiled happily seeing her.

"Aww she's beautiful. Little rose"

Angelo looked over his wife's shoulder
"She's so small" he then looked at Luna
"So are you bambina. It must of been hard giving birth so young"

Luna didn't know what to say so she just out on a smile
"I had my dad there so it wasn't so bad Mr Angelo"

He tutted softly and smiled
"Nonno. It means grandfather and you should call Lucia nonna means grandmother. We will have to teach you some Italian bambina"

Luna blushed softly but smiled softly at how warm both her grandparents felt

" okay.. nonno"

(Lucia's POV)

Sitting down on the couch she tried to hold in the tears.

Her youngest grandbaby was back and now she had a great grandbaby too.

She leaned on her husbands shoulder softly smiling as she looked down at little rose. She slowly opened her eyes gurgling.

"Awww honey look she had Giovanni's green eyes"

He looked over and smiled
"There's no doubt she is a Costello "

She smiled happily
"And now i have a new baby to spoil "

Luna smiled softly watching sat off to the side.

"You will have to let us babysit some time. I have missed having a baby in the house"

"Maybe w-when she's a l-little older.. " Luna said nervously

Lucia nodded and smiled softly handing rose back
"Here you go dear we must be going but we will pop by tomorrow, Angelo and the boys need to talk about work so us girls can go shopping or grab some food or something"

Luna softly held rose and bit her lip slightly nodding

"Okay n-nonna"

(Luna's POV)

Soon her grandparents left and she went up to her room placing rose into her crib.

She then sat on her bed hugging her knees.

People where complicated, why did her whole family look so scary but seemed so nice. Maybe they were actually scary and trying to trick her.

Could she really trust them...

She sighed and curled up in bed pulling the blanket over her head.

Slowly sleep came but with it so did an old memory.

(( here is roses outfit from meeting her grandparents it was too cute not to show ))

(( here is roses outfit from meeting her grandparents it was too cute not to show ))

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