Ill be good

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(Giovanni's POV)

The first thing he saw when he woke up. A small foot. A small foot in his face.

He broke out into a smile as he very carefully sat up trying not to wake rose.

He streached as he got out of bed quickly picking rose up as she woke up from her sleep. He gently bounced her as he slowly got changed. A move he had mastered when the twins where infants.

He smiled grabbing his phone and leaving his room. He saw Lunas door was open and peeked in but there was no sign of her on or around her bed. He went in slowly sticking his head around the door of the closet. She was curled up among her clothes with the blanket around her. He smiled sadly.

He quickly grabbed a clean onesie for Rose and then left the room going to the kitchen. Sam was there cooking.

"Thank you again for cooking Sam"

Sam looked over smiling as he flipped a pancake.

"No worries boss. Its my job. Oh i also heard a rumour you might find interesting"

"Oh ? And whats that ?" Giovanni knew sam was loyal to him and would do anything without question but there was his nasty gossip habit. Sam had a nack for finding out everything even if it was hidden.

Giovanni found that out the hard when he first got with his ex and when they where first expecting Bruno so now he hid nothing from Sam.

"Tony went back to texas on orders from the capo. Last i heard he was asking around newhope hospital for some info." Giovanni hummed softly. Bruno must be trying to find more about his sister. It wasnt a bad idea and after last night he was curious too.

"Tell Tony when hes done i want to see the report first"

Sam nodded putting pancakes infront of him just as a bottle was finished. Rose had already started squirming and kicking her little legs. Giovanni smirked slightly as he handed her to sam.

Sam froze looking down at rose. Rose found it hillarious and started giggling.

"Ah ah boss what do i do"

"Feed her the bottle and then burp her"

Sam had always been afraid of babies. Once they got to around 3 and could walk and talk a little he was okay, but a baby. He was useless. He nervously started to give rose her bottle.

Giovanni smiled and started eating his breakfast as bruno came down already dressed for work.

"Solving our little rat issue today ?" Bruno looked over nodding.

"Yes, thanks to Sam's rumour spreading we trapped him, he got took to the werehouse last night"

Bruno grabbed an apple from the bowl on the counter . He had never been much of a breakfast person unless he was hungover or sick.

"Well have fun son, make sure to go slow this time. I need to know if the americans are involved"

Bruno just nodded as he left.

(Luna's POV)

She was so tired, she had no idea how much sleep she had gotten but her body was acheing.

She slowly got out from her hiding spot and streached her aching body. She tried to remember what had happened but some parts where a blur and then she remembered.

She was scared someone was in the room and she ran.

She ran.

Her stomach started doing flips as she quickly went into her room looking around for rose. How could she of left rose.

She shouted at herself as she looked around and then ran from her room franticly looking around and then running towards the kitchen as she heard rose giggling.

She sighed in relive as she saw Sam holding rose. She quickly took rose and just sat down on the spot. Holding rose to her chest and nuzzling her face kissing her chubby cheeks.

"She missed you last night, she cried for a little bit and then decided kicking grandpa was funnier" Giovanni said softly.

"I-im sorry..." she bit her cheek deciding she should at least explain a little about last night "i had a bad nightmare... im still not use to this place yet so i was scared..."

This much was fine right. This much wouldnt get her in trouble.

"Its alright, are you feeling any better now ?" He asked softly

Luna looked up at him. He cared. He was asking how she was. She looked down at rose mumbling.

"A-a little better.."

Sam smiled as he finished up another plate of pancakes.

"Dont worry about it principessa, come and eat. You must be hungry after a nightmare"

She nodded slightly carefully getting up and sitting at the counter with Giovanni.

Giovanni gently took rose holding her gently.

"Go ahead and eat ill watch her"

She nodded slightly as she began eating.

"The twins where wondering if you wanted to go with them to the movies"

She paused. She hadnt been to the movies before. She had heard about it but never been able to go. This could be her only chance.


Giovanni smiled

"Ill let them know and im working from home today so ill watch rose while your out"

She nodded slightly as she looked down. Would she be okay, the movies wasnt code for something else was it...

She looked up hearing heavy footsteps and saw the twins comeing into the kitchen yawning.

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