Popcorn and Guns

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(Bruno's POV)

Stepping out of his car he arrived at the warehouse. It was on a shipyard and from the outside seemed normal. Inside there was offices and cells.

Stepping inside people greeted him with respect as he walked through the building.

Walking towards the cells his personal assistant came over with some files. She was the only woman that worked closely with him.

Lola was 23, she had red shoulder length hair and brown eyes. A bubbly personality that was sometimes needed in the dark and bloody warehouse. She grew up around the mafia, her father had worked with Giovanni. She had on a pinstripe pencil skirt, a white crop top and a crop pinstrip jacket.

As she handed him the files she also handed him a small box. He raised an eyebrow opening it. Inside was a babygrow, small hat, mittons, booties and a blanket. All where matching with a elephant theme.

"Is this somehow related to our rat problem ?" He asked picking up one of the tiny mittens.

" nope. Its related to the picture your father sent me of Sam holding a tiny baby. And sam is scared of babies so your father must of been looking after the baby and he would only do that if it was family. " she nodded at her own logic.

Bruno sigh and nodded.

"Your right the baby is family." He walked up to his office with Lola and once inside he locked the door before continuing.

"My father got a call a few days ago. It was a nurse from a hospital in texas. She said that his daughter was in the hospital, that her adoptive father was dead and she needs a place to live."

Lola nodded slightly taking it all in.

"You mean... your little sister, the one that went missing when we were like 10 ? "

"Thats right. And when dad got there the doctor told him they had found out her adoptive father was abusing her.... then they told him she was currently in active labour. The baby in the picture that sams holding. Shes my sisters baby. My neice."

Lola looked at him and then grinned squealing

"Im an aunt ! I have to come round and meet them both !"

Bruno smiled and nodded texting his father that lola was coming for dinner

"For now lets focus on this rat problem."

(Luna's POV)

Carefully getting out of the car she looked up at the cinima.

She then waited for the twins who walked on either side of her. People moved aside for them and she could tell people where staring.

"Luna ? What kind of movie do you wanna watch ?" Antonio asked softly when they got to the bored with the movie posters on.

"H-hm.. n-nothing scary.."

He nodded slightly looking at the posters.

"Oh they are shoing classic disney movies ? This weeks is... the arisocats"

Salvatore said as he pointed to the poster

"Whats disney ?" Luna asked softly looking up at the twins

They both looked shocked

"Disney is the name of the company that makes the movies... right soon as we get home disney marathon."

Antonio chuckled slightly as they then went and got the tickets as well as popcorn and drinks.

They settled into the seats and watched the movie, the twins mainly watched Luna's reactions.

Through the movie she made little cute reactions and even wiggled along when the ducks waddled.

At the end of the movie the twins smiled seeing her yawn.

"Lets head home" Antonio said taking her hand and helping her into the car.

The movie was amazing luna never thought she would be able to actually see a movie. Maybe if she was good they would take her again. She smiled at the thought as she fell asleep in the car.

(Giovanni's POV)

The twins had just left with luna for the movies.

He smiled gently taking Rose from sam when she was done with bottle.

He sighed heavily as he got a text grabbing his phone from the side to read it .

From: Squad leader
Three men. Gun. Reach house in 5 min.

"Shit. Sam take rose to the safe room. Now."

He said handed her to him as he pulled out his gun. Sam nodded quickly running to the basment safe room grabbing roses dipar bag from the couch on the way. He may be in danger but he wasnt spending however long locked in a room with a hungry smelly baby.

Giovanni went upstairs to Lunas room since it had the best view of the back garden where he figured they would try to get in from.

He was right. He saw three men singlefile going through the garden. He quietly opened the window and started shooting getting one of the men in the shoulder.

The intruders looked and started shooting. He ducked out the way but lunas walls and bed got shot up. He gritted his teeth as he texted some of his men. Giovanni liked to handle matters himself but he was along in the house and had to protect Sam and Rose.

He quickly went downstairs crouching behind the kitchen island and the garden lead into the kitchen. A few of his men arived clearing the living room and just as they got to the kitchen the door was kicked open and the intuders entered.

There was a shoot out that lasted only a few minutes. Two of the intuders where dead and the third was injured. He had his men take the man to the warehouse.

He then quickly went to the basment knocking on the safe room door.

"GIO !" Sam yelled from inside.

Giovanni quickly pushed open the door. Had something happened to rose.

"Whats wrong !" He said in a panic looking inside.

Sam was on the floor with rose on her changing mat her legs in the air giggling as sam attempted to change her nappy.

"I cant do it. Shes wiggling and its smelly and its everywhere !" He sulked.

Giovanni started laughing seeing sam so frustrated.

"No fair boss. Help."

"Okay okay move and ill do it" he said as sam moved and he quickly changed her nappy.

"Okay i call witchcraft. "

"I have four children. I have changed plenty of nappys. Now i need you to redecorate luna's room before she comes back. It got a little.. messy"

Sam nodded leaving the basment and making some calls.

He smiled as he picked up Rose ticking her making her scream and giggle.

He took her back upstairs sitting on the couch and getting his laptop.

"Since we are redecorating lets make you a nursery my bamina"

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