1.1 | I'm pregnant

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The house help opened the door and Zaman entered the apartment. He put his laptop bag on the couch and quickly loosened his tie before getting rid of his black coat that he was supposed to wear every day at the court hearing. Who says being a lawyer is easy? You have to wear that uncomfortable black coat on hot summer days as well.

“Aabirah, I'm home!” He announced to his wife who did not come to greet him like every normal day.

“Nain Bi, where is Aabirah?” He asked to the house help.

“She is in her bedroom since morning.” She replied.

Zaman frowned at the information and walked to their bedroom that was locked from inside. He knocked at the door and called for his wife. After some time his worried eyes witnessed a very sad-looking Aabirah coming out of the room.

Her thin frame was draped in an organza saree. The light shade of pink with white embroidery all over it was making her look tall. While the white full-sleeved blouse put attention on her collar bone.

But her eyes were red. As if she cried the entire day. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun. She wore no jewellery unlike most days.

His right hand moved to caress her left cheek as she looked up into his concern-filled eyes with her teary ones.

“Aabirah, what happened?” He asked with worry laced in his tone.

Tears began rolling down her eyes at the question and a cry of helplessness left her mouth. She was immediately pulled into his comforting embrace as he repeated his question in a softer tone.

“Aabi, tell me, sweetheart. What made you cry?”

“I... I'm pregnant, Zaman.”

And he froze at his place. His grip loosened around her body as he looked down at her face. And very slowly a smile graced his mature features. His arms again tightened around her.

“That's a good news, baby!” He said joyously.

Aabirah stared at his smiling face before replying,“Zaman, I'm only twenty-one. What about my studies and career?” Her expressions hardened by then.

Zaman went quiet and the smile faded away from his face. He had no answer to her question.

“Did you eat something?” He asked, trying to change the topic.

Her eyes stared at him in disappointment, but she shook her head in response.

“Let's fill your stomach first.” He held her wrist and took her to the dining table.

“Nain Bi, please make something to eat. Make sure it's healthy.” He told the house help who was working in the kitchen.

He and Aabirah sat down on the dining table. She stared on the tablecloth while he stared at her.

“Aabi, are you sure you actually are pregnant?” Zaman asked cautiously.

“I had taken pregnancy test thrice. It showed positive two times.” She replied, not so confident on the pregnancy test results.

“Okay, we will visit a gynecologist tomorrow to confirm your pregnancy.”

“Hmm.” She nodded with a hum.

“Now stop bothering yourself by overthinking it.” He told her.

“Zaman, my future is at stake.” She spoke with annoyance.

He kept quiet and waited for the food.


“Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Zaman. You are a month pregnant.” The gynecologist announced after going through the test results.

Zaman couldn't ignore how Aabirah's face filled with shock and sadness at the announcement. He gently held her palm and caressed it in an assuring manner. She looked at him with eyes full of tears. She wanted to yell at him but that won't change anything.

She was going to become a mother. At the young age of twenty-one. Her studies and her career, everything she dreamt of, was going to end. Her dreams were going to die when she will give birth to a tiny human.

She tried to be happy, she really tried. But she couldn't.


“Just wonderful. I told my father that I want to become a lawyer and he got me married to a lawyer. Someone who was a decade older than me. And now I'm pregnant just after three months of our marriage. Just wonderful!” Aabirah poured out her frustration as soon as they entered their bedroom.

Zaman was standing by the door and listening to her rant.

Aabirah turned towards him and began throwing daggers with her eyes.

“Aabirah, you need rest.” Zaman told her. He walked to her and made her sit down on the bed. He sat beside her and spoke,“I will help you with studies.”

She turned to look at him with eyes full of shock and surprise.


“Yes, really.” He nodded with a smile.

Aabirah couldn't ask for anything better. Zaman was undoubtedly a brilliant teacher. But earlier he was uninterested in teaching her law. And she had assumed that he will never make this option available.

“I had asked you earlier to teach me. But you had refused. Why now?” She asked him.

“Because now you really need my assistance.” He mumbled while playing with the hem of her saree.

“Okay, my books are in the study room. Bring them.” She ordered him.

“You want to start studying right now?” He asked in surprise.

“Yes, I don't trust you. What if you changed your mind later?” Her cute argument brought a smile to his face. He kissed her cheek before going to bring her books.

That evening they studied for three long hours. But as the night fell, they dropped the books. Zaman was surprised at how quickly Aabirah grasped everything. Maybe he was wrong for doubting his teaching abilities all the while. Or maybe his wife is too much passionate about law.

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