Chapter Thirty-Four: The Path Of Uncertainty

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Rhea's POV:

"Savannah, wait!" I yell out as Savannah runs into her room and slams the door behind her.

I lean my head against her door as I let out a sigh. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, Savannah had to catch Cami and I together. I honestly don't even care about the effects this will have on me right now, all I can think about is if Cami is okay after seeing the reddening on her neck.

"Savannah, please... let's talk." I plead as I rest my palms against her door.

"How long has this been going on, Rhea?" She asks from the other side.

I turn to look at Cami, seeing what she wants me to say but she motions for me to tell the truth.

"For about a month." I admit.

"You've kept it from me for this long?" She asks with a tinge of pain in her voice.

"I'm sorry, Sav... I was scared. I didn't want to lose you." I state.

There's silence on the other side as I anticipate what Savannah has to say next.

"Savannah?" I ask.

"I don't want to talk anymore." She says softly on the other side.

I feel my heart ache as I lean against her door. I look at Cami, who wears sympathetic look in her eyes as she joins me on the ground.

"We're going to make it through this." She assures as she intertwines our hands.

I nod, knowing we're stronger than the battle we're facing right now. I try to remind myself that this will all be a distant memory one day, we just have to keep moving forward.

"Lay your head down." I state as I push Cami's blonde hair back.

She lays her head down on my lap as I play with her hair. My mind having yet to process everything that has happened today as I stroke her hair back, exposing her neck.

"Can I touch it?" I ask.

She simply nods as I softly massage her neck. I don't know what all happened or what all went down, but I know Ethan is behind it. The thought of him hurting her angers me, but I know that anger isn't going to make the situation better for her, so I choke it down.

I swear, I could kill him if my eyes ever lay sight on him again though.

I continue to gently rub Cami's neck until I hear her soft breaths in my lap, realizing she's passed out. I'm sure today exhausted her as it's been one hell of emotional rollercoaster.

I lay my head against Savannah's door, trying to hear any movement, but all I hear is her quiet sobs coming from inside the room. I feel my heart ache and I don't know what to do. I've never felt like a weaker person than I do now. I'm supposed to make Cami feel safe and protected and here she is with a roughed up neck, while I just broke my best friend's heart and there's nothing I can do to convince her I never meant to hurt her when she won't listen to me.

I feel tears prick at my eyes. I know she needs time and hopefully she'll hear me out, but I feel like such a shit person for hurting her. She's shared so many vulnerable things with me and has been the most trusting person for me to go to for the last year, and here I am breaking all of that.

I hope she can forgive me and this isn't the end for our friendship.


"Wake up"

"Rhea, wake up."

I wake up to hands shaking my shoulders as I open my groggy eyes to adjust to see Graham standing above me with a look of confusion.

Ethereal {WLW}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα