chapter thirty-one //

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"Breathe," Sam whispered in my ear.

I followed his advice, the wedding song filling my ears. I was about to marry the most beautiful girl I would ever know. I suddenly had a fear that she'd left and ran away again. Maybe she moved to a whole new state now and I'd never see her again.

I was staring at the empty arch, my mind filled with worry and nerves. Then, I saw a glimpse of white, the guests standing quickly, a silent awe filling the room.

She met my eyes at the end of the aisle, her smile shining through her veil. Could someone burst with joy? Was that possible? Could I kiss her now and skip all the in-betweens? I wanted to be hers forever. She had told me her dress hugged her curves perfectly but, no words could describe how stunning she truly was. She never wanted to believe me when I told her how stunning she could be. I didn't know why.

Her hair fell over her bare shoulders, curls framing in her face in the best way. Her dress hugged her body perfectly, a long train of white behind her. She didn't take her eyes off me, her smile only growing wider. I took her hand as she reached me, "You are so beautiful," I whispered into her ear, hearing a small sigh of happiness fall from her lips.



I took his hand, still amazed at how handsome he was in a suit. We faced the preacher, hand intertwined. I snuck glances at him, unable to help myself. I caught him doing the same thing, a blush creeping on both of our faces.

Hunter repeated the preachers words, my mind thinking of nothing but him as he spoke. The preacher turned it over to Hunter, letting him finish his vows.

He looked up at me, both his hands holding mine tightly.

"From the day I met you, I knew that something was different. That sounds cheesy but, I did. Not in the romantic way though. We were making music together, something I'd done with so many people. But, you approached things differently. You approached the feeling first not the sound or genre or if it would make it on the radio."

The guests laughed, a blush rising to my cheeks as he spoke.

"And I loved that about you. It made this connection and spark in the room that I couldn't ignore. After writing with you for a few hours, I couldn't ignore you. You were and are so captivating, Aspen. Then you turned me down when I asked you out."

I laughed, remembering that I wished I could have said yes. I squeezed his hand tightly, loving how wide his smile became.

"But eventually, you showed up at my door and I finally found the nerve to kiss you. And after everything we've been through, out of everything I have felt...I've never felt a feeling like I get with you. I thought I'd been in love before but I was so wrong, I was terribly wrong. You are the most beautiful, wonderful person I have ever known. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life loving you. I never imagined I would get so lucky. I love you, Aspen Allard. Always will."

I was crying, tears falling down my face as I squeezed his hand tighter, allowing tears to run to my chin. He slid the gold band on my finger, rubbing circles on my palm.

I repeated the preachers words, trying to compose myself before I spoke. I took a deep breath, hoping I wouldn't mess anything up, "I stayed up so many nights trying to write the perfect wedding vows. That was awful and got me nowhere so I approached it like writing a song." He smiled at me, earning a wide grin back from me.

"I was annoyed the day I met you because you beat me to my office. I had expected you to be this huge airhead and have bodyguards and managers with you during our writing session but, you proved me wrong instantly. You were alone, polite and charming. I was nervous to meet someone as famous as you but it turned out that you didn't act like the average superstar. I have made so many mistakes with us," he shook his head quickly, erasing my doubt and easing my mind.

"But, even when I left, I never stopped loving you. I have loved you ever since I told you I did. I've never had anyone stick around or want to know the details of my past. I've never thought someone could love me like that. And you do. You loved me enough to show up at my door when you'd been told I might not want you anymore. That was a lie of course. But, you came anyway. You go above and beyond for me every single day and I've never felt so cared for and loved in my whole life. You are my missing puzzle piece. I love you, I always will even when you doubt it trust me, I love you. Even when we're fighting and I'm old and grey and even when I freak out over the life we live, believe that I'm loving you for putting up with me every step of the way. I'll still fall more, more in love with you each day. You are as close to perfect as they come and I'm sorry for stealing so many of your T-shirts."

I wasn't listening to the preacher, only watching Hunter, studying his face. I was mainly focused on his dimples, just like I always had been. They were so cute I was sure I'd never grow tired of them.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Hunter lifted my veil up slowly, his hand sliding behind my head, one arm wrapping around my waist, "I love you," he said, his smile wider than any I'd ever seen. I whispered the words back as he gently pushed his lips against mine, in no hurry at all.

The kiss brought my mind back to our first and our kiss when he showed up at my house in Alexandria. It was a kiss with so much passion and love that it filled me up to my toes. It also held the feeling I could never quite describe, a feeling that made me complete. My mind finally settled on the fact that the feeling was love, in the purest form. He was my love, the one I never thought I'd have.

The crowd was cheering as Hunter pulled away, quickly pecking me on the lips again, "You are so stunning I can't stop looking at you."

I grinned, "Ditto."

I knew in the moment that me an him would last though whatever the world threw at his. His smile mirrored mine, one of complete happiness and joy. I could feel his love in the way he held my hand and held my waist. That was all we needed: happiness and love. The rest would find a place in our lives one way or another.


This is the last chapter and it's just so darn bittersweet. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and because I enjoyed writing it. :-)

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