chapter twenty //

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Chapter Twenty

        Hunter pulled my sheets up around us, the cold fabric soothing my still tingling skin. I wanted to talk more, despite my heavy eyelids from all his kisses. I blushed at the thought of everything we’d just done.

        "I didn’t know if you wanted me or not. I’m still not entirely sure." His words pulled me out of my mind. He leaned back down, laying down next to me, no longer hovering over me. Part of my mind hoped he’s kiss me again and we could rewind our nights affairs but I knew he wouldn’t.

        I’d missed him. I wondered if he would only stay for one night. Maybe that’s all I got.

        "I’m not entirely sure myself," I said, finally answering him. How could someone so great and so perfect still want me back after what I’d done?

        I decided to ask him, point blank. What more harm could I cause?

        "I just-" I started, his eyes glancing to meet mine, "I don’t understand how you could want me back after I left. That was the dumbest, cruelest, most selfish thing anyone could do."

        He shook his head, rolling on his side, “Because I love you,” he said. For him, it was as simple as that. I wondered if it could be for me too. He continued talking, his eyes looking sleepier by the minute, “But, it wasn’t the worst thing someone could do. I understand why you did it. Honestly, if I was dating a huge mega star who had been stabbed and got followed everywhere, I don’t think I’d like it much either. I’m not perfect, neither are you. We both made mistakes. I pretended that the cameras didn’t bother you because I couldn’t fix the problem. I still can’t, not much. People make mistakes, Aspen,” he said, turning toward me, “Forgive yourself for them.”

        "Do you forgive me?" I whispered the words into the dark room, feeling his breath catch in his throat. If he could forgive me, I could forgive myself. I knew I could. He was the most important person in my life and I couldn’t stand living without him in it.

        "Yes," he finally said, "I think I did a long time ago. Wouldn’t be here if I was still mad or upset. I’m here because I want you, just like I always have."

        "Ditto," I whispered, causing him to smile wide.

        "Do you forgive me, for not being the best person I could have been to you?"

        I shut my eyes, breathing out a smile, “You made one mistake. I made one mistake. Of course I forgive you.”

        He smiled, wrapping me in his arms, “It’s settled then. You’re mine, Aspen Allard.”

        "I wouldn’t have it any other way," I said. I nuzzled into his side. I’d missed this, missed it more than I’d thought. His hands were warm, soft. He was warm. He was beautiful and stunning, just like he always was, his leaned his head against the top of mine, his sleepy eyes drifting shut.

"I missed you so much," he whispered. I shut my eyes, cuddling closer to him as we fell into sleep.


        I rolled over, finding Hunter’s side of the bed empty. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them.

        I sighed, it was a dream, all a dream. Hunter hadn’t come back, we hadn’t kissed, we hadn’t forgiven each other and we hadn’t spent the night wrapped up in each others arms.

        I rolled out of bed, walking to my vanity. I tripped over a box, falling to the floor with a thud. I quickly got up, glancing down. The box of all Hunter’s things. I looked in the mirror seeing that I was in his t-shirt. I grabbed my pajama pants from the floor, rushing out of my room.

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