chapter twenty-five //

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Chapter Twenty Five

        I could feel him running his hands through my hair, my head on his chest. I didn’t want to open my eyes yet, my mind still in a sleepy daze. I ran my hand across his chest, keeping my eyes shut. I leaned up slowly, finally deciding to squint my eyes open. He leaned up against the headboard as I stretched my arms up into the air.

        I laid back against him, his arms wrapping me up like a blanket.

        "Happy Birthday," he whispered. I grinned, leaning my head back so I could look up at him. He’d already told me the two words at midnight last night. I rolled out of bed, wearing one of his shirts with ruffled plaid pajama shorts.

        "Take a morning birthday shot," he joked as we headed into the kitchen. I laughed, "You don’t drink much, I doubt you even have a strong whiskey."

        He chuckled, running his hands through his messy hair, “No, I’ve got some. I’ve been drunk more times than I’d like to admit, but I drink in the privacy of this condo.”

        I nodded, cutting up fruit to make myself breakfast, “You called me drunk once.”

        He nodded, his eyes widening, “Yeah, disconnected your phone after that,” he said, “Not that I blame you,” he added.

        I laughed, “That wasn’t a great time for either of us.”

        He scrunched his face up, “Agreed. But, look where we are now.”

        We were both grinning widely. I popped a piece of fruit in my mouth, looking at the ring on my finger.

        "You picked the most beautiful ring," I mumbled. He took fruit from the bowl, smiling to himself.

        "I need you to pack a bag with overnight things and something fun to wear tonight."

        I laughed as he kissed my cheek, stealing another piece of my fruit before he headed down the hall.

        "Where are we going?!" I called, chasing him down the hallway.

        "IT’S A SURPRISE!"

        I grabbed him from behind, blocking him against the wall. He laughed loudly, throwing his head back against the wall.

        His words were breathy, falling between laughs, “I’m not telling you!”

        I kissed against his neck, his laughter fading away as I made my way to his lips. He kissed me back, pushing his weight forward, walking me back toward the wall behind us. I spun us around, refusing to give him the control.

        He slipped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I leaned my forehead against his, running my hands down his side, slipping my fingers into the belt loops on his jeans.

        He leaned in to kiss me again but, I stopped him, “Tell me where we’re going.”

        He laughed, “Oh, so you’re not going to kiss me again until I tell you where we’re going?”

        I nodded, a smirk on my lips. He chuckled, letting his arm fall from my waist, “I’ll survive a few hours,” he said, pulling suitcases out of his closet.

        I sighed, grabbing a suitcase from him with a frown on my face. He laughed, watching me try to be mad at him.


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