chapter three //

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Chapter Three

Friday(Night), March 7th, 2014


"Okay, so let me get this straight, you've got a songwriting meeting with Hunter Hayes and you went on a date with Payton? Like, hot Payton?"

"Yes, Kadence, hot Payton. And god, he's a good kisser too oh my lord."

I heard her sigh, "Well fuck me. Your break is starting off good." I heard muffled yells in the background before her voice came over the phone in a hurried tone, "Shit shit I gotta go my mom wants me to clean more and study more. Stupidest thing ever. Have fun tonight, Asp, bye! Text me deets! I want all the deets!!" She said squealing. She hung up before I could say anything else.

I pulled out my black high-waisted jeans(they hug my butt in all the right places), a lace up black bodysuit, and my old leather jacket. I opened my closet, searching for my black heels. Tonight was going to be a party, and I couldn't wait for it to get started. I heard a horn honk from outside. I put on one more layer of my red lipstick, grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

"Wow, you look hot."

"Way to be subtle," I mumbled. Payton laughed, "Seriously though, you look smoking. Thanks for inviting me because I most definitely am looking forward to watching you all night."

I shot him a glare, "You're pushing it. Really pushing it."

"Sorry, sorry," he laughed, backing out of my drive and heading downtown.

As we neared downtown, I could already hear the music pouring through the streets.

"Is it legal to park here?"

I nodded, scanning the streets, music occupying my head. I slid out of his sports car, feeling his arm wrap around me, "Let's party!!!!!!"

People in the streets yelled with him, already buzzed and filled with excitement.

I pushed through the crowd, making my way to the middle hearing the opening tunes of Luke Bryan's latest hit.

I yelled in Payton's ear, "I know the guy who wrote this with him."

He widened his eyes, mouthing a "wow" in response. His body was close to mine. As I shook my hips, having fun with the night, he swayed behind me. I could never tell if guys were having a good time. They always looked bored at concerts, or they were trashed. I silently hoped he was having as much fun as me.

The night rolled on, act after act. I drug Payton to the different stages, trying to catch my favorites. He seemed annoyed, having to switch sides so quickly. I could tell he hated pushing through people and bouncing against them as music played. I didn't understand how he could dislike it.

As we walked back to the car, he was dragging me, my feet too tired to walk.

"I'm tired, and my feet are in so much pain," I muttered.

He scooped me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Oh god, they don't hurt that much! Put me back down!"

He laughed, "The car is right there! I can see it! I got you, calm down."

He unlocked the car, slowly dropping me off his shoulder.

"I am very dizzy. Gimme a sec," I mumbled, leaning against his car. I watched the few people left on the streets walking. Women in heels, like me, feet burning with each step they took. I saw a few guys round the corner, laughing. One was in a hat, the other's brown hair was pushed slightly to the side.

He must have felt my eyes on him because he turned. Suddenly, I recognized him. The hat was a clever disguise but it didn't change his entire appearance. He met my eyes, giving me a small smile before pushing his hands into his pockets and walking on.

"Babe, are you coming or not?"

I turned, tucking my hair behind my ear, "Yeah, sorry." I climbed in his car. He was talking about tonight but, I tuned him out. Hunter Hayes, in an old hat, smiling at me. I combed through my memory, had I smiled back? Or did I look like a deer in the headlights? Would he recognize me on Monday? Or was that really him?

I closed my eyes suddenly feeling worried, stressed and excited for Monday.


I could feel someone nudging me. I opened my eyes, "What," I groaned.

"Wake up, we're at your house. Go take off those shoes and sleep all day tomorrow."

I smiled, "I plan on it. My Dad's still at work if you wanna come in for a second."

I'd felt bad. I knew he hadn't enjoyed the scene I'd drug him to tonight. He followed me inside and down the hall. I slipped my shoes off, letting out a sigh.

I leaned against his chest, running my fingers though his hair.

He wrapped his arms around me, sliding them down to rest in the tight pockets of my jeans.

"Pay-" I began, but, he cut me off, "All night I've been watching you dance around in those tight as pants and you're gonna tell me to get my hands off your ass, right?"

I sighed, "Yes. When I invited you in, I didn't mean that it was gonna lead to anything. I just thought that you were having a bad time tonight and I don't know," I backed away, running my hands through my long brown hair.

He sighed, "Well, you were right. I didn't have a great time. I like you, I do. But, you're kind of degrading, you know that? All night you kept talking about who you knew or who wrote what songs. You made me feel like a boring, lame person."

I sighed, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel like you're not good enough! I don't wanna argue with you. I'm tired, you're tired. Just call me later this week okay? We'll go out and do something you want to do."

He reached out, taking my hand and pulling me close, "Yes, let's do something I want to do." He leaned down, kissing me gently, resting his hand against the back of my head. He pulled me back, still kissing me. He backed us up to the back of my bed, running his hands down my sides. I felt him pull me closer toward the bed with him.

"I don't give it up that easy, Payton." I couldn't read his emotion, finding it blank. He gave me a peck on the lips, "I'll call you later this week."

And then he was gone.

I pealed off my tank top and jeans, which took forever to get off, might I add, throwing on a long T-shirt. I leaned back against my pillow, knowing he was pissed, leaving so quickly. Were we together or did he just want to screw me? I wasn't sure. I pushed the thought away, leaving it for another day as sleep overcame me.


***pay attention to dates, I had someone proof read and some chapters, it apparently doesn't make sense. You have to realize that time still passes even when I don't write. xxo (i'll be putting this note at the end or beginning of every chapter.)

hunter lookin' mighty cute on the sidebar

oh and that song doesn't really have anything to do with the chapter, it's just a really great song.

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