chapter one //

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Chapter One //

Friday, March 7th, 2014


"Two waffles, sweet tea and a side of hash browns." I smiled as she nodded at me. I would never understand the battle of iHop against Waffle House. Waffle House would always win, no questions asked. Many disagreed with me on this logic, but maybe they just had terrible taste in breakfast food. Don't get me wrong though iHop is great, but Waffle House is just a tad bit better.

I heard the familiar bell ding, signaling another customer arriving in the greasy, small building that felt like home, no matter where you were or what you were doing. I glanced up from my phone, locking my screen as Kadence slid into the booth across from me, a mint colored beanie pulled over her head. It was practically spring, even spring break was a mere week away. Despite the facts and the weather, Kadence was also sporting a baggy grey sweater. She smiled as I continued to take in her outfit choices, "Gotta fit in all my winter clothes one more time before I tuck them away for seven months."

I sipped my tea, teasing her, "But then you get to pull out all those floral prints you're so found of."

She scrunched up her nose, giving me a look of disgust, "Oh, yes, the lovely fashion of summer. How incredible it is to see all our classmates ass-cheeks hang out of their daisy duke's."

I laughed, as she quickly muttered her order to our waitress. My ears tuned her out, channeling in on the music pouring out of the jukebox. I recognized the tune, one I had picked. I poured syrup over my waffles as number 38 absorbed my thoughts.

"Hello, hey," the snapping of her fingers brought me out of my daze.

"Sorry, it's really early, kinda zoned out." I sighed.

She nodded as our waitress sat her plate in front of her, "One more day and we're free from prison for a week."

I laughed, "One day is still way too long."

"That brings me to the main topic of today's breakfast. Spring break plans. Mine have taken a new course." She slowly picked up her cup of orange juice and took a pretty hefty drink from the tall glass.

I sat my fork down, but then picked it right back up, leaning back against the booth, eating food way too fast for my own good, "Why is that? Are you running to Panama with all the popular girls now?"

She rolled her eyes at my sarcasm, "More like cleaning and working my ass off all week. I'm grounded."

I groaned, "Kadence! Nice job, ruining the few plans we'd made. What the hell did you do?"

Her mouth twisted into a frown, "Well I missed curfew, twice. Talked my way out of the first one though. I also got a B in Calc which isn't an A, meaning my parents think studying for a week will change it. And, on top of that, making out with your boyfriend on the couch when you're parents aren't home and having them arrive with your top practically off," she paused, letting out a sigh, "is very frowned upon."

I laughed, "That last one is one hundred and fifty percent your fault. What the hell were you thinking? You dumbass." I kicked her foot under the table causing her to scowl at me.

I dropped some cash on the table, leaving more than I should've. I overtipped, being a waitress wasn't easy, I knew that. Kadence slid out of the booth, "Sadly, your week will be much more exciting than mine." She spoke as we exited the small building.

"Probably not," I muttered, kicking at the pebbles with my shoes, "The only plan on my radar is some much needed relaxing and that music festival tomorrow night."

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