chapter five //

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Chapter Five

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

        It’d been two and a half weeks since I had written with Hunter. I’d been writing with new artists at least three times a week. I found each experience different but nobody seemed to care as much as he had. I was crafting great songs with people. But, something about the experience with him… we’d written something electric, and I hadn’t found that with anybody else.

        I trudged through the narrow halls of the school, looking for Payton. He hadn’t returned my calls over this past weekend. I missed him and his arm wrapped around mine. Every time we were together it always ended in a major make out session. He always tried for more even though I continued to say no. I didn’t want him mad at me but it seemed to be making him madder and madder. I saw Kadence at her locker, shoving books into her bag.

        "Hey! Have you seen Payton? I think he’s mad at me. I haven’t seen him all day."

        Her face fell into a frown, “He’s in the history hallway.”

        "Um, thanks. I’ll see you in seventh block." She nodded, watching me walk down the hall to find him.

        I glanced around, not seeing him in sight. Class had just let out, Kadence wouldn’t lie to me. I saw Laurel, against the locker, a guy grinding against her as they made out, nothing new there.

        I walked more, realizing the plaid shirt on Laurel’s new man was far too familiar. Oh god, oh god, it was Payton. He was dry humping Laurel and sucking her face off. I wanted to vomit and yell and cry and punch him all at the same time.

        The anger came first. He turned as I tapped as his shoulder. His face became panicked as he saw me.

        "Fuck, Aspen, this isn’t what it looks like." He stuttered out.

        There was a crowd now. A pretty big one. I even spotted a few teachers so desperate for a life that they had settled for high school drama, my high school drama.

        "How dare you. You bastard!" I squeaked.

        He turned completely toward me, “I’m the bastard? Me?” He laughed, “I finally get to take you out and I’m doing all the dumb shit you want and you won’t even it out! No wonder nobody wants to date you! God, Aspen! You’re such a tease and you’re not even that hot. The longer I’ve known you, the worse you’ve become and I-“

        The sound of my hand hitting his face ended his words. The bastard. The lying sick bastard. I could lie and make up worse things about him that would end up all around school but the need to cry and scream was getting ready to explode out of me. He looked pissed, knowing he couldn’t hit me back.

        "Fuck you, Payton," I muttered as a teacher grabbed my arm.

        "You cannot hit other students Ms. Allard."

        I sighed, shaking my arm away from hers.

        "I’m going to have to take you to the principals office dear."

        She reached for my arm again but I pulled away, “I’m going. I’m fucking going.”

        I stormed down of the hallway, slipping out the back door and running toward my car. I was gone in less than a minute, like I’d never been there at all.

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