chapter twenty-one //

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Chapter Twenty One

        I fell against the sofa, having packed too many boxes through the day. I closed my eyes, feeling Hunter’s weight even out the dent I had made in the sofa.

        I leaned my head against his shoulder. We stayed that way, enjoying the silence, silence created by both of us together. It was the first time in a while that I hadn’t hated silence. Silence had become my enemy. When things were quiet, my mind always wondered back to him, to us. I closed my eyes, thinking over my choices, his choices. He was a better person than me, no doubt. But, like he had said, I couldn’t change my reasons for leaving, for running.

        I silently forgave myself. I let go of the guilt I had for leaving him. I let go of my guilt for running away from my problems.

        I leaned my head off his shoulder, “I want to do everything I can to make this work. Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and the dumbest and I am not leaving again. I promise.”

        He opened his eyes, a wide grin on his face, “We’ll make it work. There are ways around paparazzi. The fans, well, they’ll get over it. Fans are incredibly amazing but, fans aren’t the people I come home to, or the people I’m kissing. I love them. But, I’m IN love with you.”

        I smiled, “Well I’m IN love with you too,” I said, my hand on his chest. “I think I knew it the moment I kissed you, I just didn’t want to admit it. I’m not saying we can’t meet fans. Just, not huge hoards. I don’t want a repeat,” I mumbled. He nodded, falling silent.

        "Me and you just fit," he said quietly, his words jumbling together.

        I smiled, “I’m the corner piece of the puzzle you thought you’d lost,” I said jokingly.

        He opened his eyes, “Let’s write that, right now. Right now!” He jumped off the sofa, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

        And just like that, music brought us together again.


*A couple days later*

        I rolled over, the sun from the window blinding me. I pulled back the covers, groaning. Sometimes I enjoyed mornings. Today wasn’t one of those days. I rolled out of bed, lazily walking across the floor, the soft carpet threading through my toes.

        Sometimes I slept in Hunter’s room but, mostly, I stayed in his guest room. I’d made it my own though, covering it in all the tiny items I loved having around. I would stay with him every night but he had said something about jumping into things slowly. I shrugged it off, still getting used to the fact that I got to see him everyday.

        I turned the shower knob, letting the warm water run down my forehead, running my hands through my hair. After being away from him so long, it had almost been like he’d died. Of course, I could have contacted him but, I didn’t. Perhaps it had been worse for Hunter, he didn’t even know how to reach me. I HAD truly disappeared. My heart ached at the thought of my actions. I shook it off, reminding myself that it was the past.

        I hadn’t left Hunter’s apartment, not with him at least. On the streets, I was alone, in no need for any pictures of me to surface online.

        I knew that wouldn’t last though. I washed the last bit of conditioner from my hair, feeling the water slowly get cooler. I grabbed a towel, stepping into the steamy bathroom I’d created.

still falling ↠ hunter hayesWhere stories live. Discover now