chapter seven //

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Chapter Seven

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

        "You’re telling me that Hunter, HUNTER HAYES was fighting with Payton on your front lawn?!?!"

        I elbowed her, “Kadence, shhh. Payton didn’t even know who it was. I haven’t exactly told anybody that I was writing with him. You’re the only one who knows.”

        "Well shit, brag about that! What the hell is wrong with you?!? You’d be the most popular girl in school!"

        I took a bite of my apple, “I don’t really care about that. I don’t even like these people,” I mumbled.

        She nodded, “Touché, my friend, touché.” She pushed her lunch tray away, muttering “gross shit,” under her breath. I laughed, waving my paper bag at her. She rolled her eyes.

        "When are you seeing him again?"

        I sighed, “I don’t know, we’re business partners.”

        She laughed, “Right, okay.” Her words were laced with sarcasm. The lunch bell rang, leaving us in separate directions. I saw Payton across the room, the right side of his jawline a deep purple. Well, most of the right side of his face was bruised. Hunter must have clocked him harder than I thought.


Saturday, March 29th, 2014

        The rest of the week passed slowly. I was writing alone, turning in work. A normal week. Most of the stars were in Vegas for the ACM’s leaving me to my own thoughts.

        I heard a quiet knock against the door, “Come on in,” I said. I saw Nick standing at the door, “I’ve got big news!”

        I was nervous. My stomach was in knots already.

        "Miranda Lambert wants to cut Girls and launch it as the debut single for her new album!"

        My jaw dropped, “WHAT?! ARE YOU FRICKING KIDDING ME!??”

        He smiled, “Honey, I’d never kid about something this huge. Congrats, you’ve made it.”

        I sat my guitar down and screamed, spinning in circles. I ran toward Nick, “I gotta go tell Hunter!”

        He laughed, “Hunter who?”

        "Hayes," I breathed out, noticing his smirk, "It’s not like that, we’re just friends."

        He nodded, the smirk still on his face, “Well you go tell him. Leave early, special moments like this allow exceptions.”

        I grinned, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I owe you so much more than a thanks. You’re the reason this is happening. I love you, thank you.” I grabbed my guitar, kissing him on the cheek as I raced out the door.

        I jumped out of my car, racing to his apartment door. I tapped my foot, waiting on the elevator. I punched the number seven harder than I should of, rocking on my feet. I barely let the doors open before I squeezed myself through the crack. I rang his doorbell, smoothing out the white laced dress I was wearing.

        I heard him call through the door, “One second!”

        I rocked back and forth, my smile so wide I was sure I looked crazy. I heard his door click, the knob turning. He opened the door and I was ready to yell the words off a rooftop until I saw him...

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