after they met her

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Hello everyone! I am back.

If you are still interested in the older brother genre you can look forward to a new book from me.

after they met her

I postet the first chapter today and I would love to hear all of your thoughts and opinions.

See you there!

XO Mary <3

Ivana grew up alone. She was alone
since the day she was born and she was sure she would also die alone. Her life spinned around in a constant loop.

Without anyone by her side she struggled to make a living, till one day two men stood infront of her door, claiming to be her brothers.

Getting to meet her overwhelmed father, her overprotective older brothers and the obsessed man from the rival mafia, Ivana didn't know how to feel nor act anymore.

Experiencing love and care for the first time, the feeling of finally belonging isn't the only thing Ivana will have to get used to.

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