t h i r t y s i x

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As I stepped out the cold wind blew my hood away.

I pressed my jacket tighter around my body and curled my toes in my boots.

It was for nothing to try pull the hood up again, the wind won't let it stay on my head.

Sighing I crouched down in front of our door steps.

I couldn't get myself to leave, I had too much to risk for a mare night out. I couldn't risk more time in home jail.

"I am sorry, Olivia. I can't, you are a good friend, but I cant risk to get caught."

The last message I sent to her, she left me on read and I was afraid that she would never text me again.

Still I couldn't sleep either, so I sneaked downstairs in my pajamas, opened the front door and sat on our doormat.

The sky was dark and the only sound I heard was the owl.

It was kind of spooky, but I closed my eyes and appreciated the atmosphere.

A small spark of freedom.

The last time I was outside alone was so long ago, it felt like I broke out of a cage.

Not just a cage, that's how I felt everytime Simon let me out of the basement.

The fresh air was like a drug, the cold wind was like a friend and the ground was like a parent.

I listened to the nature and just leaned back against the door.

Feeling how I slowly drifted away, it got harder and harder to let my eyes open. My body felt heavy and the cold didn't bother me anymore.

The door cracked and opened, I felt myself falling back and landed with half my body inside the house.

I screeched and pressed my hands on my mouth in suprise. Hopefully I didn't wake anyone up.

Yet when I looked up at the ceiling two familiar eyes examined me.

Like me he was in his pajamas, on top he put his winter jacket.

"What are you doing outside the house?" Elijah whispered, in his hands a pack of cigarettes that he tried to hide behind his back.

I already noticed, in school he never acted like this when he smoked, even if our eyes met, he just avoided my gaze and smoked more with his friends and Xander.

"What are you doing outside the house?" I asked him the same question in a low voice, I pulled myself up.

Still sitting I now leaned my arms against my knees, not bothered by his presence.

He sighed and stepped out, closing the door with a silent click, he walked some steps away from me.

"I just need to cool of." He murmured, lightning on his cigarette. "What about you?"

"I couldn't sleep." I said, my eyes followed his movements as he put the cigarette in his mouth and then breathed in the toxic chemicals. "You know, smoking kills."

"And sitting outside helped you?" He raised his eyebrow, not mentioning my last sentence.

"Actually yes, I got tired, but then you appeared." A soft chuckle escaped my mouth, while Elijah grinned at me with his bubbly smile.

"I get that quiet often, I am not only breathtaking, I take so much more." He laughed in a low tone, he almost sounded like Victor.

He smoked his cigarette, after he finished he threw it on the ground and stepped on it.

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