b o n u s - 6

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l i l i t h

My brothers stared at me, they couldn't register what was going on or what just happend.

A slow spreading stain of blood appeared under my right breast. I tried to steady my breath, but all I could do was cough painfully.

I coughed and coughed till blood came out of my mouth, dripping down my lips. My horrified expression looked up to my brothers. I searched for some kind of reassurance, some warmth, anything.

I couldn't hear a thing or feel the pain that clearly spread through my whole body. A high peeping sound made me dizzy and my surroundings got blurry.

My knees suddenly gave up and I fell down, with my back on the cold ground, I felt like this was my end. The world circled around me and the metallic taste on my tongue slowly faded.

Silent tears streamed down my cheeks and the sobs that followed were replaced with the hurting cough.

With one eye open I searched for Yuri, yet I knew were he was and what he was doing.

The outraged scream that left his throat after Peter shot me echoed in my mind. He stormed our house, after Yuri and I announced our wedding a week ago.

"Lilith belongs to me, you are the one that stands between us!" The last words Peter called out to us, before he pressed down on the gun in his trembling hands.

He didn't shot Yuri, nor my brothers nor himself.

He shot me.

Peter's shaken face and his widened eyes stared at me, the gun fell on the ground and he wanted to step closer to me, yet Yuri prevented him from coming near me.

Yuri yelled at him, he jumped at him and started trashing punches at Peter. He went into such a rage, the broken screams that left his throat made my heart skip a beat.

Victor was the first Clover brother to finally realize what had happend. The peeping sound slowly disappeared and I could hear someone's voice.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." Victor repeated the same word over and over again as he pressed down on my wound.

I wished to see his warm eyes, even the stern looks he gave me would make me happy in this situation.

Victor was in tears, he screamed at his brothers to call an ambulance, he screamed at Yuri to get his shit together and he screamed at Peter to go to hell.

He didn't scream at me.

"My dear, Lilith, everything's going to be alright, it's okay, just calm down." A sob escaped his lips, he still pressed down on my wound, yet the blood didn't stop leaving my body, it only coloured my brothers hand.

With his other hand he went through my hair, he forced a smile on his lips and smiled down at me and more soothing words left his mouth.

I closed my eyes and listened to his comforting words. As if I drifted away, his voice became a distant sound.

"You can't sleep, Lilith." Another teary voice made me open my heavy eyelids.

I could vaguely recognize Jonathan's face. "Princess, you need to stay awake till the ambulance arrives, you hear me."

I could hear the twins shout at Peter, they probably held him down, while Yuri and Caleb kicked him over and over again.

A chuckle wanted to escape my mouth, though it was just another painful cough. I felt my senses return to me, the shock that my body was in disappeared.

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