b o n u s - 4

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e l i j a h

"You can't tell me what to do!" Caleb shouted again, it wasn't new to us that he lost his temper very easyly.

After Dad went into prison we were left completely alone, Granpa tried to visit us often, but he still needed to take care of the company.

Victor was our new legal guardian aka oldest brother aka a obsessive dick.

He ordered us around and even took my phone away whenever I had a bad grade.

"Xander, I swear to god, the next time you come home smelling like cigarettes I will beat some sense into you!" Victor now yelled at Xander.

First he scolded Caleb for buying liquor and now he took his anger issues out on Xander, just because he sometimes smoked after school.

If I am being honest I started smoking, too. I did it four times or maybe five, after Dad got arrested I just felt so overwhelmed with everything.

And Victor wasn't really a big help, he made Jonathan cook for us, Xander and I needed to clean the house once a week and Caleb is in charge of grocery shopping.

What are we, his slaves?

"I am old enough, you can't tell me what to do!" Xander barked and the next thing I heard was the front door getting slammed.


"How can they be so nerve wracking." I heard Victor sigh, before he went upstairs.

I could finally relax on the couch and turned on the TV, One Piece would start soon.

My precious TV time got interrupted one more time, not by arguing, but Jon walked inside the living room. He had a worried expression and bit his lip nervously.

"What's wrong again?" I mumbled and hated myself a little for caring about the feelings of my brothers.

I wish I could be more like Caleb or Xander, they both give a fuck and are totally badass.

The only thing I had in common with Xander was that we looked completely alike, well we are twins.

"I am worried about Victor." Jon told me and I rolled my eyes.

"Why worry about the control freak?" I bit the inside of my cheek, I shouldn't talk like this infront of Jon.

Jonathan was the only one that was on Victor's side, he always nodded and followed everything that Victor said to him.

Jonathan was like a puppy.

"You are still kids, huh." Jon shook his head slightly in disappointment.

"I am a teenager." I exclaimed with my chin held high.

"Sure, yet you didn't notice Victor overworking himself everyday." Jon stated, his face was blank as his eyes fixed on me.

"Overworks?" I raised an eyebrow. "He only works at the company for eight hours a day."

"What about the paper work he does at home, the school visits he has to do once a week, because nobody of you three can behave for one second. He takes night shifts, so we dont have to change the way we live, so you can have your god damn privileges."

This day Caleb and Xander didn't come home till morning, but when they came I was woken up by yelling.

Victor and Jonathan waited for the return of them and when they finally arrived, hell broke loose.

I came down to watch the show, but it turned out diffrent then I had imagned.

"I dont care what you think about me." Victor yelled at them. "If you want to leave go! Dont think I will take your side the next time a social worker comes and visitis us."

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